Italy's referendum: a vote against neoliberalism and authoritarianism

Indeed. That plane should have been a little bit higher, sadly.

This made me think of Stewart Lee’s comedy bit about how he wished Richard Hammond had died in a car accident (it’s just a joke!).

Oh-oh, don’t I half-remember Haider. It was a time when Italy was seriously on the verge of a Jugoslavian “solution”, and on the other side of the border this good-looking asshole showed up and started helping and giving legitimacy to our own racists. There are very few people I was genuinely happy to see dead, and Haider was definitely one of them - especially because he didn’t die a martyr but as a victim of his own massive idiocy.

People have really short memories - in the '90s, bolstered by the end of the USSR, neo-nazis and right-wing parties across Europe were having an absolute ball. They were barely contained by leftist parties making huge shifts to the right, satisfying some of their requests. The bad news is that it can’t be done today, because most established parties are now so far to the right, they have nowhere to go. We need new solutions, but in the meantime, any small defeat for the racists is a Good Thing and should be celebrated.


An astrophysicist order of magnitude used to be the fifth root of 100, not decimal 10.

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