It's a weird time for Architectural Digest to post a video about celebrities' well-stocked kitchens

In a different age. These would be improved by being splattered with blood.

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I’m trying to keep a low profile in case the angry mobs with pitchforks have missed nine meals.

no, he left (over money) and started his own Milk Street cooking thing

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It’s great that the video almost immediately breaks the fourth wall by having the celebrities comment on how this set has been dressed for the video. It’s clear that most of these spaces don’t normally look like this. acres of space and shiny appliances that are never used make this look like these people are awkwardly standing around in a brochure, not giving a tour of their own home.


Disenfranchised folks can use the internet


They let the poors on teh internets!!! How dare they? /s


A walk-in pantry with room on the shelves would be glorious.

Actually just cabinet doors that didn’t ghost open would be amazing. Or even hinges that could be adjusted to stop the ghosting cabinet doors would be a welcome change.

It looks as if AD called each household to make sure they had enough lemons for display.


Only two things I wished I had in our kitchen: The extra-wide burners… and the larger work surfaces. Just conveniences, though. There was absolutely nothing in those kitchens that would make our own homecooked meals taste any better.


I’m seriously lucky in that I get to use a kitchen that was designed for cooking, so there’s a stove with an extra-wide burner and both a gas and electric oven (both small), which makes things possible that otherwise wouldn’t be. Still, I was envious of the large areas for working, but also the kitchen that had like six ovens (there have been times where four ovens would have come in handy), and generally having that much kitchen/dining room space - though those kitchens mostly misused the space set aside for dining that they had. I personally would do some re-designs…

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Ah, the booming business of promoting kitchen/house envy:

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I did learn two very important lessons:

1.Viking could easily sell completely nonfunctional versions of every product they make and few of these people would be any the wiser.
2. I don’t have enough lemons in my house right now.


We want this!

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you’re right of course! much like the Architectural Digest segment, my comment was thoughtless and in poor taste.

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