Ivanka tells 18 million out-of-work Americans: "Find something new!"

“Find something new!”

One of her sweatshops cranking out crappy knock-off handbags?

Hopefully this peroxide witch and her fake nose, cheekbones and chin can find something new in November - like a vow of silence.


Or working in the prison laundry.


What’s wrong with “pisshead”?

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Every single day, that damned family proves they are the most awful people in the world. I hope investigators are looking at how much was grifted from the taxpayers for these vapid platitudes pretending to be a government program. I hope state prosecutors everywhere are preparing to charge them all on Jan 20, 2021.


To quote Jonathan Coulton, “I’ve checked my privilege, and it looks fine to me.”


Absolutely. I’m training for the job of the president’s daughter.


Find something new and be best, y’all.


What’s sad is that the unemployed couldn’t afford to throw tomatoes and other food stuffs at the spiked heads.


Ooh look. A penny. Must be my lucky day.


I have to say I think she is right. Sure, it can be viewed as cavalier, but she’s showing guts to say what her dad is too cowardly to: If this country wants to compete (with China or in the global marketplace, in general), then our citizenry needs to become more competitive. While I’m not a fan of POTUS’s stereotypical base supporter (and POTUS, himself is reprehensible), these people deserve honest ‘tough talk’. Instead, her dad riles them up by pointing to scapegoats on whom to blame their bleak job prospects, when they should really be looking to broaden or deepen their skills. A lot of the work that he is promising to bring back is and will-continue-to-be lost to automation, with the remaining jobs probably requiring a engineering BS at a minimum. China, meanwhile, is churning out STEM grads at an astonishing rate, (and they’re all learning English, too). It’s not going to be easy. Maybe that’s the problem… his audience only wants to hear easy answers and aren’t [whatever] enough to buckle down and put in the work that self-improvement always requires.

No. Please do not perform the difficult (and degrading) emotional labour of explaining and humanising these people. You cannot ‘listen in good faith’ to someone who does not speak, or think, or act in good faith.


Ivanka, who will never find the real world outside her bubble world of privilege.


It’s been absurd since the 1600’s.

@erroneus: May I humbly suggest “entitled-asshole”? Hyphenated, to keep it, technically, one word.


Americans deserve more than “tough talk.”

They deserve a government that is actually willing to take active measures to make sure the citizenry doesn’t end up falling into abject poverty due to pandemic-driven mass unemployment.

Past administrations dealt with similar crises by mobilizing major social welfare and employment initiatives. This one is dealing with the crises with denial and mixed messages about “finding something new” delivered by an entitled woman from a family of grifters who never had to search for a job in their lives.




“Liked” for that part of your comment.

To be clear, I agree with bryan on this part:


So we compete with skilled workers from other countries by retraining our work force to be a *checks article* phlebotomist or “tech consultant”?

I’m all for continuous learning and picking up new skills but this just isn’t the time. We are living in deeply desperate times - people are just struggling to survive, but hey let’s make record unemployment your problem because it’s time for a career change, right?


Telling people to “find something new” is fine. Rebranding bls.gov as a program Ivanka came up with is a dishonest dick move and a waste of government resources. Would you tell an out of work friend to go to this site? https://findsomethingnew.org/
One of the jobs listed is contact tracing. Except Trump doesn’t seem to believe in it, so while it links to a Johns Hopkins study saying the US needs 100k Contact Tracers, the US is not hiring 100k. We needed 100k months ago, in the last few weeks we’ve hired less than 40k. Apparently because the Trump administration is busy Finding Something New instead.


No disagreement on this administration and that the US citizenry deserves better (when we learn, as a body, to vote better). It’s a shite-show and he’s a moron at best. And there are certainly people who have valuable skills that still can’t work due to the current situation. Nonetheless, my point still stands and there remain those toward whom my comments are directed. They’re not getting back most of their manual labor jobs and those that do will have bleak futures if they aspire to nothing more. If you re-read my post carefully, you’ll see that I remained focused on the idea, not the person.

The real goal here by the Trump administration is to continue to ensure that no one but the elite have access to an actual liberal arts education with the humanities. They’re fully aware that allowing the plebs access to a variety of knowledge and to critical thinking is deeply dangerous for the elite class.

The right has been coming for the humanities ever since they realized their “mistake” at ensuring greater access to higher ed in the postwar boom, because more middle and working class people having access to that and then joining the intellectual class opened up new lines of inquiry that inevitably made it’s way into the public sphere. Many of the discussions we’re able to have about race and gender and other hot topics is because of that shift, and now they’re trying to get people back in their “proper” place.

They are reactionaries, pure and simple, trying to wind back the clock to a time before the bastile had been stormed or the enslaved people of Haiti freed themselves from white tyranny. They’ll take a pre-1950s where women and people of color were second class citizens, of course, but they’d prefer to go back to full on feudalism, but maybe with some new high tech highlights…