James Hoffmann: great coffee tastes like music (video)

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/17/james-hoffmann-great-coffee-tastes-like-music.html


An excellent presentation; James Hoffmann’s videos are incredibly informative. I especially appreciate the comment about what I’ll have to eat or drink get that coffee aftertaste out of my mouth. I only seem to get that from Americano or French Press because the metal screen filtration isn’t as complete as the paper filter with my 2-3 times daily AeroPress addiction.


I’ve been watching his channel for a long time now, I’ve started grinding my own beans with a manual burr grinder, I bought a proper pour-over setup and pouring kettle, and I’ve taken all his tips for how to brew. I’ve experimented with various coffees, but anything lighter than medium roast tastes weird to me. I have begun to suspect that the kind of experience he’s describing in this video is not something I’m going to get with the coffees I like to drink.

Have you done a tasting / cupping at a higher end coffee spot? It’s a great way to try various beans, roasts, and flavor profiles. The more “citrus”-y light roasts aren’t my vibe, but I love the more “berry”-like beans.

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I like how he never forgets his please and thank you.



Fridge full o’ coldbrew thermoses for you! [Also, if we’re doing light roast Tropical Single-Origin Coffees coldbrew or not, Rare Tropical Diseases in coffee moods! James Hoffman on a week of chiginiasis wakey juice… Hey, maybe things’ll be okay!]


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