Jewellery made from teeth

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DENTAL FORENSIC SPECIALIST: Wait, you’ve already ID’d the victim, and they were beaten to death? What the hell am I doing here then?
HOMICIDE DETECTIVE: You are going to just love this buddy, I promise.


My teen sister uses teeth to make flooring for her dollhouse. Kinda similar idea.



My wife when were first dating, made me an earring out of one of my wisdom teeth. She also pierced my ear so I could wear it. She also introduced me to Metallica and Alice Cooper. Still married. Not scared or scarred at all, (not really.)


I’ll take “Things I don’t want to see on my dentist” for $400, Alex.


Ew. No. Ugh. Creepy.

Unless you’re into that.

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Thanks, I hate it

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No thank you.


In my mind I started calling it ewellery


Hair is considered somewhat less unsavory. There was a period when it was very common to make items from human hair and I have a pocket watch with a fob woven from my grandfather’s hair.image


I’m catching a whiff of Stockholm syndrome here; blink twice if you need help.


Gives me some serious serial killer/Holocaust corpse recycling vibes. No, thank you.


Am I crazy for immediately thinking about a knuckleduster/brass knuckle with teeth?

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A friend of mine, when he had his wisdom teeth removed, had them made into a necklace. No-one who knew him well thought this at all out of character. And, he is not a goth, nor (as far as I know) a serial killer. In fact, he is gentle, funny, kind, and … someone for whom making your own teeth into a necklace is a perfectly reasonable thing to do.

I think hair jewelry or hair locks as mementos are nice. Teeth, however, just seem predatory and personal and are evocative of having your loved one’s skull on your desk.

Again, if you’re into that.

(Caitlin Doughty explains why you can’t.)

Fine but also a very tough-girl kind of hobby. Maybe she interned at a dental click-in dentures replacement place? Definitely seeing a wave of ‘so you got away from meth, have you’ business in entire replacement biz directmail and media, but not seeing as much fountain sculpture or other art to match up otherwise. Or I’m lucky my town (is adjacent to or) has mostly police who punch people’s teeth out instead of outright murder fun?

Would visit a scale Bata Shoe Museum…
Would make a Platinum Cube or orbital model out of teeth (and probably precious metal nanoparticles.)
Would style a pool interior as teeth if cleaning still amenable.
Throne of skulls pending a certain transition…no, not the entire top-heaviness of society Toparev or whoever from the just-published Atlantic article I can’t find was on about, and fancy dress parties coming back.


My dad has one of these from his paternal grandmother. I’ll probably have it someday as my sister will be squicked out by the fact that it’s hair.

I’ve got one of my deceased grandmother’s teeth as she had to have it pulled, and it had a significant amount of gold in it from previous dental work. She kept it, in a drawer I think, and when she died, it became my Dad’s. He gave it to me because I’ve done some precious metals recovery, but I can’t bring myself to acid digest part of my dead grandma, so it sits in a drawer. That being said, I definitely do not want to make it into jewelry. That’s just kind of gross.

This has all the earmarks of Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob wearing vials of each other’s blood…

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When my kids were little, I told them that the tooth fairy is taking their teeth so that she can build a boat (made of teeth, of course!) to sail from the North Pole. (I heard that from a podcast somewhere and really liked the idea.) Now, why she would need a boat when she can obviously leave the North Pole whenever she wants is still a question.

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Of course you can, that’s what MEs are for. But teeth suggest to me you’ve got the power of that tiger shark or bear or whatever on a leash and had a conversation with a Native someplace on whether it was in OK taste.

Writ large it seems you’d be dodging rather than look at anything made from hardwoods that might not have been responsibly forested. [Thinks of the anime where more water planets are made and fish spawned from DNA so that prize catches can go on…is there a tree one?]

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