Jewish man arrested at Kansas City library speech after asking "provocative" questions

107.10.4 he was attempting conversation.


If by “What needs to be done is cops are automatically hit with fines or docked pay if they are found to arrest someone without a valid charge.” you mean “What needs to be done is cops are automatically hit with a bullet.” then i concur.

They exist to serve the public good. This is the opposite of that.

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According to the linked articles, there is a standard sequence of actions in the library’s policy when they host such events, starting with turning off the microphone. While that did happen, the rest of their protocol was not followed.

However, at this point the main part of the problem isn’t the off-duty policeman, who for sure should be reprimanded, but the Kansas City prosecutor, who refuses to drop the charges. This prosecutor should be named, shamed, and denied library privileges.


Isn’t there something in the 8th Amendment to the Constitution about cruel and unusual punishment? :wink:


How does it serve the public good to shoot police officers?

Sounds more like revenge than “public good.”

I am angry too, but that doesn’t mean the situation is improved by turning police misconduct into an all-out violent war, it will just escalate. When a man gets shot and killed during a routine traffic stop, and the cops use excuses like “he had drugs in his car”, my response is always “when did drug possession become a capital offense?” So I ask you “when did false arrest become a capital offense?”

Police exist to serve the public good. If they are not serving the public good they should be disciplined in a meaningful way or shown the door, not shot. That’s just childish.


Eh, I don’t know that this is the best analogy. If I’m throwing an open party, I’ve had plenty of entrusted friends bounce other guests.

This is more akin to the friend bouncing someone they had a problem with that wasn’t particularly out of line AND TAKING THEM TO JAIL.

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Of course the host can delegate the task of bouncer… But in this case, the person delegated the task of making that decision was sent to jail too… This is kind of like the band’s roadies ejecting the bartender employed by the venue for saying “let him in, he has a ticket.”


I think you vastly underestimate the importance of public service or of
holding public servants to a much, much higher ideal than ordinary people
in ordinary jobs. It’s not that they’ve failed in their duty, it’s that
they’ve done precisely the opposite of their duty that warrants an extreme

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I think you have misjudged the effect violence will have on police departments. Typically when a police officer gets shot the rest of the department doesn’t suddenly become introspective and consider how to do their jobs better, they are out for blood.

I know exactly how important public service is. If a cop shoots someone there should be expedient legal recourse, and a trial. In the case presented here the cops arrested a man without cause, and you think they should be shot for that, feel free to petition your congressman on that one.

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Shooting cops doesn’t work unless you’re willing and able to shoot all of them.

This is the cops backing each other up to the point of absurdity. The police union is akin to a mafia that dont squeal on each other (pun intended)


Somewhere, Trump is taking notes.

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