Jim Henson and Raymond Scott's "Wheels That Go" (1967)


Previously on BoingBoing: Jim Henson’s magnificent Time Piece. Be sure to look for the full 9-minute version.


Thanks for the reminder!

If you’ve never heard Raymond Scott’s “Soothing Sounds for Baby”, what are you waiting for? It’s one of the most insane and entertaining series of electronic albums EVER, and certainly doesn’t sound anything like what you’d expect from the title. So good!

He did quite a number of non-Muppet things for Sesame Street:

I recall that he animated the numbers at the beginning of segments like this one (and I believe that’s Henson himself at 0:25, no?).

And in this one I wonder if he’s the guy in the bed (while the guy at 0:34 looks like Dennis Quaid, and possibly Carroll Spinnney falling out of the chair after 1:09) (EDIT: forgot the link)

He also constructed this dollhouse and this ball track. (EDIT: Ball track was, apparently, by Frank Oz with the involvement of multiple Hensons, but the DVD calls it “Henson Ball High Wire #3”)

He also provided Bumble Ardy’s voice in this clip but until now I didn’t realize that he and Maurice Sendak collaborated on the cartoon itself (or that Ken Nordine narrated it). Bumble’s line at the end chokes me up a little, circa 40 years after first watching this…

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