Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple released a pre-Jonestown gospel album

Thanks for using the correct descriptor. It is a disservice to those who died through no choice of their own, as well as those who managed to flee, to portray the entire group as a homogeneous group of mindless sheep who went willingly to their own deaths.


Jonestown is my first memory of mass media. I was in Kindergarten and I remember trying to get my head around poisoned “Kool Aid” and why so many people died. I remember seeing the bodies on the TV news and asking my mom what was going on. I’m 45 now and I can still vividly remember where I was in the room when I saw what happened at Jonestown.


And it wasn’t even Kool-Aid at Jonestown. It was Flavor Aid.

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San Francisco always leads the way in social trends?

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