Joe Biden apologizes for saying black voters choosing between him and Trump 'ain't black'

And even Warren is an establishment Democrat, though of a type that was more common before the rise of the DLC. If we want to modernize the US by upgrading it into a social democracy – as I do – the first step is transformation of attitudes of American voters. Sanders, who did remarkable well in 2016 and even this year, kickstarted that process. The increasing visibility of charismatic future leaders like AOC continues that process. And, honestly, there is not far to go, on individual issues most Americans already agree with the platform of the social democrats. It is just a matter of shifting the rhetoric, of displacing legislative dinosaurs in local, then state, then national positions, and continuing to mainstream the talking points. However, it will also require being sensitive to the fact that the Democratic Party is the natural or chosen home to most supporters of such change; just demonizing the party at all opportunities will ensure that what should and could be core positions for the party continue to be marginalized.


At this point Coronavirus is doing Biden’s campaigning for him.

Its tough for the GOP to hold on to elderly voters and working class people when their officials are actively rooting for them to die quickly.

Its also helps that the GOP has openly embraced white supremacy whole hog.


Until Fox News starts broadcasting those parts of what the GOP officials have been saying, none of those GOP voters are going to hear it.

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Fox News is broadcasting the people saying it.


Maybe, they are talking about those other worthless old people. Not me!


It matters that the Democratic supporters and undecided voters are hearing it, though. Trump and the GOP can’t win purely on their hardcore, death-cult base. They need those undecideds / “independents”, and preferably for the Dem voters to stay home. Trump is making himself and the Republican party impalatable to anyone except the terminal MAGAmorons, and energizing the people opposed to him.

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Because every single human rights advancement in the history of our country took place during a time when the United States had flawed leaders and powerful vested interests that were pushing back with everything they had to prevent it.

If you save “real hope” for the times when things are easy then what good is it?


Yep. And the way to do that is to talk to them, face to face, one at a time.

Too many have decided that the solution is to talk only to people who think exactly as they do. This is a recipe for stunned disappointment on election night.

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