Joe Biden campaign emails a post-debate 'did I make you proud?'... hours before start time



Clearly a case for Department of Temporal Investigations.




Biden isnā€™t a baby boomer he was born in 42 boomers start at 44. Itā€™s really sad I donā€™t see anyone on eiide either Democrats or Republicans I feel would be a good president and Biden rejally lost it when he said that pot was a gateway drug what an idiot. You might as well say peanut butter or puberty is a gateway to drugs the man needs to read research. This may be the first time in 40 years I havenā€™t voted

Hereā€™s a fun thread:



My fave:


There had to be some software behind it somewhere and my bet is on a timezone mixup, possibly between UTC and a US timezone.


Biden 2020: Useful Idiot For The Real Candidates

American Football has only 11 guys on a side.

And many of them are black.

And stayed out, apparently.

It wouldnā€™t surprise me at all if he outsourced tasks like these to India or China.


Is that a no?


I see this idea of ā€œprotecting the candidates from attacksā€ in a lot of different forums. Itā€™s a stupid idea. The candidates are going to get attacked. Better to see if they take damage NOW, while you can still bail out and pick someone else, then to find out after you are stuck with someone. The Democratic Party did itself no favors when it tried this tactic in 2016.

Joe tanking attacks isnā€™t good for the Democratic Party. Eventually the tank is going to be dead, and slavering hordes will get to your mages. Whoever faces Donald Trump needs to be able to whether attacks.

Donā€™t take this as me advocating for Biden, I am 100% not. I do not want Biden. Iā€™d take almost anyone (besides Trump) over Biden. I just donā€™t think that protection from attacks is the good thing people seem to think it is. A candidate needs to be able to sit in the full blast of bullshit and survive, because that is where the road to the presidency leads. You need to cross the river of shit. Better to know if everyone can swim now, then find out later that they canā€™t.

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