Originally published at: John Romero on the birth of iD Software | Boing Boing
Did anyone ever call it I.D. Software for longer than they care to admit?
I’ll get me coat…
A… are you telling me it isn’t pronounced like that?
I thought that Inxs and In Excess were two different bands.
As a twenty-something, I sent ID Software a demo on a floppy disk and called them up to pitch me as their next hot developer, when they were, I think, six people. I spoke to Tom Hall, who was very kind and only laughed a little.
Poor guy will never live that one down. Especially the whole marketing campaign (“John Romero will make you his b*tch.”), which I understand he had nothing to do with and really wasn’t happy with. When he was heading up an MMO studio some years back, near one I was working in, we crossed paths with him and his team and I worked with some of his former coworkers, and apparently that ad was routinely referenced in their office, in ways that had gone beyond teasing and become weird in-jokes. I hope he’s got a sense of humor about it, at least.
That is precisely what i’m telling you.
Beach reading: I recommend “You” by Austin Grossman, set in a fictional game company from around the same time as ID. Also, “Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow” covers similar ground.
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