John Wick pinball machine

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If new pinball machines could be successful without a tie-in to a massive franchise, then I’ll believe pinball is revived.


Pinball head here. I customized an AtGames Legends virtual pinball machine, hooked it up to a PC and loaded it up with hundreds of games.

If you’re at all interested in the hobby, the above can be done fairly cheaply and gives you 80% of the experience without having to worry about maintaining a for-real machine.

Also fun is that there are communities of people going nuts making new virtual tables which means many have a real indie feel – and they’re almost all free.

A few resources for getting started:



The plunger is not a pencil? What a wasted opportunity to stab the machine with one to get the game started.


Meanwhile, the worst nerds in the pinball community are crying up controversy over the fact that there will not be any injection-molded plastic guns on the playfield. After licensing talks with the film distributor, the game manufacturer made an executive decision to leave them to the video screen instead.

“I’m taking my money elsewhere!” Bro, the game is $20K, you didn’t have the money anyway… and you’re still going to drop quarters into it at Dave and Busters.

I love my hobbies, but no matter what I do there is a small corner infected with reactionary shitheads. Truly unfortunate.


I mean if they really want guns on the play field it’s really not that hard to add them yourself. The mod scene for pinball machines is pretty lively.


Paying two bucks to lose each of my pinballs in less than five minutes just doesn’t have the same thrill it used to.

Now, if it’s on free play, that’s a slightly matter.

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I don’t care if the machine has a movie tie-in–it’s mostly superficial anyway. I haven’t seen a machine that wasn’t tied-in to something since probably 1985. You are not required to have seen the movie to enjoy the game. You may actively dislike a movie and still like the game. Your mileage may vary.

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I find it frustrating when later movies don’t acknowledge the lore introduced by the pinball tie-in. Does continuity mean nothing?


Also, pinball in a VR headset is SPECTACULAR. It really does deliver the experience of a physical machine.

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