Journalist shot in the eye by cops in 2020 is now "ready to die"

Torture porn, to fulfill some morbid curiosity?


She reached a settlement which prevented her from making comments on certain issues related to the assault.

She had children to protect.


FFS, man. She was shot in the head by a steel-core bullet with the mass of a baseball traveling at over 120 mph. The ghoulish details of how she is suffering and dying are irrelevant to how wrong that is!


I know the internet is full of nitpickers but even fleas have the sense to jump off of a corpse.

I feel like people wouldn’t have so much trouble understanding how it could have killed her if she’d been hit with a hammer and survived for a few years. Or hit by a car and survived a few years etc.

She took massive amount of trauma through the face via her eye and her brain never recovered from the injury.


I didn’t dig that far – the link is in the Guardian article.

Personally, I was content with knowing the situation was happening, I did not need to know those details in order to empathise.

They will in a court of law, if it comes to that; in terms of the public I refer you to my response about empathy.


Another quality that is becoming so fucking rare, it’s damn near “a super power.”


It also feels like there are enough people who do have empathy in most cases, but automatically squelch it the moment words like shot or gun appear, as if suddenly the humans involved were not the ones to be concerned about. It’s exhausting.


Or racially. I see it that way a lot. This knee jerk reaction to DARVO and throw skepticism around. Basically she is perceived as “riling up dissidents” by going there, taking pictures, etc. People have to choose between “cop fighting bad people” and “woman going to bad place she didn’t belong” so the woman needs to be held to the highest scrutiny and it still won’t matter.

All these things. These intersections. Maybe people don’t realize that about intersectionality. We are all at these intersections sometimes together. But for some of people at that place and time it is a more harmful experience than others. When you get to one. Who do you doubt? Who do you think owes you a better “sell.” Who are you doling out your treasured compassion for and who do you think should work harder for it?

Whose lives matter?


That’s the same as not having any empathy to begin with, IMO.

Conditional morality’ can DIAF as far as I am concerned; it’s hollow virtue signaling.



I understand she lost her eye to some projectile like a rubber bullet or tear gas canister. I understand she has a brain injury as a result. I didn’t understand how years after that trauma it causes death. According to a reply up stream its that the brain damage caused dementia that is getting worse. I didn’t know that was something that could happen because I haven’t heard of it before. I never claimed to be an expert in TBIs, But I appreciate the added info and now I know.


It is also recognized that some mTBIs have persistent, and sometimes progressive, long-term debilitating effects. Increasing evidence suggests that a single traumatic brain injury can produce long-term gray and white matter atrophy, precipitate or accelerate age-related neurodegeneration, and increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and motor neuron disease. In addition, repetitive mTBIs can provoke the development of a tauopathy, chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

But not just the brain. You often see people who shoot police charged a long time after of murder when they die. Paralysis causing breathing problems. Organ damage that just can’t heal. Accidents due to diminished capacity or not being able to conceptualize their condition. Increased depression and suicide.


I don’t know. I think I have differing empathy for a surgeon who has to remove a diseased piece of brain and someone who shots someone in the eye causing that brain damage.


It’s really important to know that the cops killed her and demand real justice.

Cops around the world are targeting protestors’ eyes with their supposedly non lethal but always maiming weapons.

Well I’ve never heard of it being done to right wing extremists, but racial justice, left wing, civil society, environmental justice, and pro-democracy protestors all the time.


Yep. Unfortunately some people simply see the concept of harm reduction as plausible deniability for murder.


Ah, you’re a Centrist. Not worried that a woman is horribly dying, and not worried about the cops who did it either.

Thanks for clearing that up.


What is the center between “shoot journalists in the eye” and “don’t shoot journalists?”


I seem to use this one a lot…


She was brave and a kick ass woman.

Having previously followed the saga pre-Twitterfail, that’s what hits so hard.

She was remarkable and defiant and it still all ground her down. :face_exhaling:


The centre is the folks who are sceptical that police intentionally shoot journalists in the eye. I do not doubt that they do.

Maybe this comes from being Canadian and our country not being as far down the path of authoritarian fascists taking over our police forces. But we’re also slipping down that path, likely 5-10 years behind the US.