Judge tosses Roy Moore's "pedophile detector" lawsuit against Sacha Baron Cohen

In other legal news


Love how you can literally see the very moment he gets nervous at around the 2:30 mark. It was perfect too the way Sacha set him up by appealing to his love for all things Israel. Genius!!


On the other hand, it brings the original footage back into the spotlight too. Let’s play it again!


It’s weird, isn’t it. I mean, on one hand, the bit is clearly a joke and cannot be taken seriously. On the other hand, Cohen almost certainly does believe Moore has sexually assaulted children, almost certainly meant people watching that to believe that Moore did, and Moore almost certainly knows Moore did.

Life is complicated.


That really only works for the former guy, others don’t quite get the same traction.

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The machine cannot be taken seriously. It’s obviously stupid and impossible and feeds into right wing myths that people are bad or good rather than that raping children is something people do while keeping their self opinion as a good person intact. Roy is certain of his god fearing goodness and nothing will dent that.

There is an irony in the situation in that the audience is most likely convinced that he is a paedophile. But the “joke” machine is not responsible for that. Strikes me as this should be legally bullet proof.


… because, of course, they don’t need the facts or the details because they’re good people and always right. /s
Can’t recall which thread I read it on here in the past day or two, but someone posted the idea that because they are ‘good people’ anything and everything they do must be ‘good’ and that’s how they justify their dumb/evil fuckwittery to themselves.


It’s runoff from the whole prosperity gospel thing.


Legally bulletproof. But extremely ironic.


The key phrase in there was “no viewer.” Moore’s reaction, OTOH, was both guilty as hell and no viewer would reasonably construe it as anything but an admission of guilt.


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