Julian Smith stars in surreal dispute over pronunciation of "Milk"

Originally published at: Julian Smith stars in surreal dispute over pronunciation of "Milk" | Boing Boing



Well that’s 2 minutes I won’t get back…


This was as funny as a personalized license plate.

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Okay, go back and study at least five plays from the Theatre of the Absurd and then I want a 1,500 word essay on why your offering was NOT in that genre.
It’s ill-mannered and impolite to correct someone’s pronunciation unless you are formally teaching English. It’s offensive and not funny. If you were in Ireland you would find many people pronouncing the word “MULK”. Correcting them would not be in the best interests of your health. Consider that saying “Paint a stoat” in the accents of the English Home Counties sounds identical to a Western Irishman saying “Pint of Stout”. It is essential to educate one’s ear to comprehend these variations.
In addition, it’s a bad idea to dry your cat in the microwave…

good advice.
think i’ll have that pint of stout now.


I believe the proper pronunciation is “Milluk”.


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