July 4: Rumblefish claims to own US Navy rendition of "America the Beautiful"

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I am really looking forward to the day when companies start getting smacked down for these spurious copyright claims. That day that will never, ever, come.


Rumblefish is hiring! They’re apparently a “cool music tech company”, not a scorched-earth copyright enforcement organization.


When there is a real, measurable, and expensive consequence for these sorts of shenanigans, then we’ll see them decline in frequency.

I would also like to see some requirement for YouTube to exercise some sort of due diligence before taking down a video just because someone else claims ownership. At least a “does this pass the giggle test?”



Due to a copyright claim, you are no longer monetizing the following Youtube video.

Teensy difference there, no?


I’m assuming the process is entirely automated, with Rumblefish having registered an ownership claim on certain songs via YouTube’s ContentID system. The problem is that Rumblefish were allowed to register audio into the database that wasn’t music, and I can’t imagine that anyone on YouTube’s part ever looks at that, either. Those entities that YouTube recognizes as “copyright owners” (because they have sufficient economic power) get to do what they want pretty much, and only after a victim of the system objects does an actual human ever look at what’s going on.


YouTube’s Content ID automatically makes claims on videos when the audio matches a recording registered with the system. In this case, we work with a label who promotes this music outside of the U.S. Once it was confirmed that this was a perfectly legal, patriotic, celebratory US usage, the claim was immediately released. At no point was the video taken down, and neither Rumblefish nor its music provider collected any money for the claim that was made against this reference material in the U.S.

Perfect timing to note that America IS beautiful and we wish everyone a happy Independence weekend.

Sincerely, Rumblefish

Thanks, Rumblefish Marketing Drone!


The adafruit post https://blog.adafruit.com/2015/07/03/rumblefish-claims-it-owns-america-the-beautiful-by-united-states-navy-band-rumblefish_inc/ makes it perfectly clear that this is in the public domain.

Rumblefish, please explain: What is the entity that you think “owns” this work outside the USA and why do you think they own it?


I would like to see the individual employee filing the claim required to attest that they have verified it, on penalty of criminal and civil penalties for the individual.


we work with a label who promotes this music outside of the U.S.

Where you and they surely have no honest right to it. Thanks for quitting your claim, and I look forward your gift of 5 minutes back.


I too would like you too explain where on earth “America The Beautiful” is copyright enforceable.

Is it the US Navy, claiming that particular performance?

I doubt it.

So tell us, not who, where. Where on earth can a person be prevented from enjoying or broadcasting this song because of a copyright specific to that geographic location?

I’m asking because you seem to be lying.


What the hell does Patriotic, Celebratory use of a song have to do with copyright?

You do understand that, “I’m sorry, we messed up” doesn’t open you up to liability in cases like this, right? And being honest and open is the fastest way to gain credibility, right?

False positives happen. Don’t act like a dillweed when you are the cause of said FP.


Why is Rumblefish allowed to CONTINUE TO MAKE THESE CLAIMS? Once they admit they have no copyright, YouTube should penalize them if they continue to make such claims.

In Sept 2012, I posted (YouTube) a parade video with audio of the U.S. Army Band playing John Phillip Sousa’s “Stars & Stripes Forever” (composed in 1896–clearly copyright free). Rumblefish claimed it, but dropped the claim when challenged.

About a week later, I used the same audio for a different parade, and guess what–Rumblefish claimed it again, and took the full 30 days to drop their claim.

I thought Google (YouTube) was the “do no evil” company. Why do they allow proven false claims to continue? False copyright claims are unlawful, yet YouTube facilitates these trolls!


Thank you for engaging us in conversation. However, even one minute of googling reveals that your company is utterly full of crap. There is no country on earth in which that recording is under copyright, so either you or the label you represent or both are committing fraud.


Corporations are individuals dontcha know.

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17 hours later and the @Rumblefish PR fool that thought getting on here and STRAIGHT UP LYING was a good idea hasn’t been back.

What a surprise, that such a shitstain company employs stupid people who make dumb mistakes.


Any chance we could interest the navy is a ‘kinetic solution’ to this particular problem? We’ve done it to plenty of better people for worse reasons.


Good idea, but I reckon we couldn’t rely on official military and have to attempt it ourselves.


Yeah, but you can’t throw a corporation in jail.

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