Kamala makes her case on Fox News

Originally published at: Kamala makes her case on Fox News - Boing Boing


Nah man, I’m good. Thanks though.


I honestly don’t understand this sentence at all.


Here’s some written coverage but he watched a different interview than everyone else.

Great job by Bret Baier in his Interview with Lyin’ Kamala Harris. She has a massive and irredeemable case of TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME - So bad, in fact, that she is barely able to talk about any subject other than the man who had the best economy ever, the strongest border in history, and who just got the UNANIMOUS ENDORSEMENT OF THE U.S. Border Patrol, ME! Their Endorsement was a TREMENDOUS HONOR!!! They said that Comrade Kamala did a terrible job, the absolute worst in memory, and can’t be allowed to do it again. She is also the WORST Vice President in history, but hopefully will soon be GONE. Again, congratulations to Bret Baier on a tough but very fair interview, one that clearly showed how totally incompetent Kamala is. For the good of our Nation, her inferior Cognitive ability must be tested at once!

And Baier was whining about it right after the interview.

During the discussion, Baier said he and his team were on edge as Harris had arrived later than expected, making it more difficult for his team to get the interview ready to go live in time for the start of the show at 6 p.m. ET.

He said: "It was a little tense–we were given the time of 5 p.m. eastern time. Obviously my show is at 6 p.m. They wanted to tape at 5 p.m. We said we were going to tape as live, in other words roll the tape and just turn that around unedited, uninterrupted, but we had to do it before 5:15 otherwise we couldn’t turn the whole machine around before the top of the 6 p.m. show.

“So we were waiting at 4:55, and then 5:00, and 5:05 and 5:10,” he added.

“At 5:17 the vice-president walked out, so it did feel a little bit like they were icing the kicker or trying to, and originally they were talking about 25 minutes and they gave us 20 minutes.”

During his later discussion with Hannity, Baier suggested Harris may have been seeking a confrontation.

“She came to Fox News and she wanted to go after Donald Trump—[a] viral moment that plays on a lot of other channels and on social media—and I think she may have gotten that.”


Kamala Harris in on Fox News because she wants to convince conservatives to vote for her. This implies that her victory may in some significant sense be attributable to them—owed to them— and that she is willing to factor their political priorities into her administration.

Meanwhile, Trump owes his campaign’s revival to Elon Musk, who has evidently provided significantly more funding than previously disclosed: if he wins, he will owe it in the plainest sense to him.

Two pleasing signs, though, in each scenario.

  1. Harris gave a good answer to Baier when he brought up trans stuff. She could have wilted on the issue like Allred did in Texas and Labour in the U.K., but she shut down the question and I think successfully pitched its irrelevancy to the Fox News crowd. This all suggests she’s genuinely trying to peel away some thin margin of moderate stuck with Fox (e.g. the wives) and not really interested in the guys with very clean pickup trucks.

  2. Trump owes nothing to anyone and Elon is an idiot if he thinks he’s getting anything for his half billion.


No shit. Isn’t that what candidates are supposed to do? Isn’t that what Donald Trump does? What are you talking about?


Next he’ll accuse her of “playing politics”. Which is kind of a thing politicians do.


Thanks for the clarification. That honestly wasn’t clear to me. I’m not sure I agree that she went on Fox to appeal to conservatives, though. I think she’s taking as broad an approach to reaching everyone she can right now. Not so much to reach conservatives, but to reach anyone who might be a regular viewer of that given platform who isn’t already a MAGA zombie. Because some people who watch Fox regularly, but aren’t died in the wool MAGAs, probably believed that Harris is incoherent and stupid, because that’s how everyone on Fox describes her. That interview may make some of those people start to question what they’re hearing on Fox all the time. Especially the exchange about Trump’s “enemy within” comments. He made those comments, among other places, during an interview on Fox Business. Regular Fox viewers will know that, because they probably watched it. Now, I’m not delusional. I know it’s not going to inspire hundreds of thousands of Fox viewers to suddenly have an epiphany that they’ve been lied to this whole time. But it might reach some. And at this point, I’ll take every vote we can get.


It was nice of Baier to stand in for the orange narcissist in the second debate the bully was too cowardly to attend himself.

I really hope Harris doesn’t go on Rogan’s show. She’s already given Faux respectability it doesn’t deserve in a futile attempt to sway selfish old bigots; she doesn’t have to do the same for conspiracists.


Boo-fucking-hoo. A professional organization would have prepared expecting her to roll in 5 minutes before air-time. (Which I would have advised Harris to do, to not give Faux the opportunity to selectively edit the interview.)

Ya think? Since Cheetolini chickened out of a second debate, of course she was looking to spank your asses hard as surrogate. And of course she handed you your ass along with the coat check ticket.

(Just to be clear, not going after @tcg550 , but Baier via Newsweek)


I thought this was a bit of a strategic mistake - especially having watched the interview (blech). How big won’t be known until November.

I just don’t see what was to be gained here. It’s not that Harris performed badly - far from it. The problem is that the audience has been primed to employ selective hearing throughout, and it was clear that Baier had no interest in a good faith debate (using an edited video clip? GTFO). She could have conjured away a major societal issue at the snap of her fingers and it wouldn’t sway anyone. And that is the problem - there’s nothing to be gained from engaging with bad faith actors.

Maybe this appearance was for Democrat voters, to show them she isn’t afraid to stand up to MAGA, but it was never going to win her new Republican voters. Instead it gives outlets like the NYT and CNN the opportunity to say “y’know, Harris was actually evasive about this issue or that, it wasn’t a great showing.” That kind of coverage could be de-motivational to some Democrats and unconvincing to so-called moderate Republicans that she’s hoping to win over.


I think HCR gave her millions of readers that (and good written coverage also of Tromp’s same-day Fox appearance):


Tired of Trump getting all the headlines. Nice to see Kamala taking up the air in the room. Good keep doing interviews on right wing stations, take the air.


For a really complete account of the interview, see October 16, 2024 - by Heather Cox Richardson. For excellent political commentary every day, sign up for her email newsletter.


She also does a reading of her letter as a podcast if you have a podcast feed. It’s usually posts a day behind publishing of her column.


Right? I don’t think that because it was an event she knew would be unfair and contentious, for an audience of mostly MAGAts, that doing it was a bad idea.

I do wish Dems would stop legitimizing Fox “News” (including by allowing a reporter in that daily presser; hell, even Fox called itself an “entertainment” source in a lawsuit). However, entering the lion’s den goes along with Harris’s contention that Tromp is weak, and that by implication she is strong.

It sounds like the interview went well for her, and she countered Tromp’s claims that she’s afraid of appearing on Fox News. In that sense, the “audience” for this appearance goes beyond Fox viewers. And hey, maybe she converted a few Fox viewers too, no harm in that.


The bit where she slapped down Baier and Fox News’ editing of Trump was outstanding.

“Bret, I’m sorry, and with all due respect, that clip was not what he has been saying about the enemy within that he has repeated when he’s speaking about the American people. That’s not what you just showed. You and I both know that he’s talked about turning the American military on the American people. He has talked about going after people who are engaged in peaceful protest. He has talked about locking people up because they disagree with him. This is a democracy. And in a democracy, the president of the United States in the United States of America should be able to handle criticism without saying he’d lock people up for doing it."


Contentless first comment is contentless.


“what will you say when the ducks come?”
“ducks, oh, ducks.”
“ducks, wonderful ducks.”

you’re right. means nothing at all.