Keep'em scared: Citizen app mistakenly turns a training tweet into an airplane disaster

Originally published at: Keep'em scared: Citizen app mistakenly turns a training tweet into an airplane disaster | Boing Boing


I can’t think of a worse group of executives to operate a company with this mission than the ones who run Citizen


Not that there’s any “good” group of executives to run an app for delusional vigilante-wannabe paranoiacs.

Citizen, for the morons who think Steven Seagal is a little too legit. /s


But what can you do? Not use the Citizen app? But then a thing might happen!


But what can you do? Not testify at Reverend Samuel Parris’s court? Then you might be accused. /s

(Spoiler, Abigail will still betray you.)

Citizen’s slogan might as well be: May the odds be ever in your favor.


This fear mongering is deeply curious to me. I have a high school friend who is constantly posting alarmist crime-watch posts. A recent post claimed there was wide spread rioting and arson in the neighborhood where my daughter lives. So I called and asked her and she said there was one fire in a dumpster nearby, but that she thought it might have been started by the police, since it was completely surrounded by police and was where they had been hanging out all day. Otherwise she just saw a normal day, people walking and shopping, etc.


Next thing you know, it will be reported that North Korea is firing missels at at the US… ooopss never mind…

At least the training materials didn’t say “this is not a drill”.

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