Around ten years ago, Ken was stopped and asked to take a photograph
Stopped while he coincidentally was also attending the weird rich guy forest getaway?
Around ten years ago, Ken was stopped and asked to take a photograph
Stopped while he coincidentally was also attending the weird rich guy forest getaway?
i’m trying to discern the expression of the person on the back right.
maybe: “well, this was a disaster”
With lens flares.
Lots and lots of lens flares.
Looks like he was rather . . . afraid?
(I would be too!)
Guy Ritchie freezes the frame, plastering “Ken ‘Documentary Guy’ Burns” on the screen in a grunge font.
Oof. When you have a cold 32oz cup of Coke in your lap on a hot, humid, condensation forming day.
In that case Ken Burns is slowly distancing himself from Jar Jar.
Paul Greengrass shakes the camera so hard you can’t tell who is in the photo.
Ed Wood Jr cuts to stock footage of an octopus
One of the many leaks from Bohemian Grove. The leaks from the bi-annual Koch events are much fewer.
Peter Jackson adds in some ancillary background works and expands Justice Thomas into a trilogy.
Quentin Tarantino is too busy looking at Gini Thomas’ feet to notice anything else that’s happening.
Ray Harryhausen hands Burns and Thomas prop swords to fight the monster. Koch is unchanged except he’s filmed in stop-motion.
James Gunn adds a 70’s/80’s pop & rock soundtrack while somehow including a thematically appropriate dance number.
Christopher Nolan time bends the meeting in such a confusing way nobody is quite sure who is taking a photo of whom. Then he makes it 3 hours long with 7 different endings.
Wes Anderson publishes photo of Justice Clarence Thomas on his right, and Justice Stephen Breyer on his left, captioned in Futura.
Bing refuses to generate this image.
Spin-off novels with extensive back-story on Whoof Headscratcher (man in the background) have been declared non-canon after purchase by Disney, yet he makes makes significant franchise history in an upcoming streaming series.
Denis Villeneuve spends an hour each gloriously filming the trees of the grove while only hints and glimpses of Thomas and Koch are ever shown.
Burns doesn’t even make the cut of part one.
Paul Verhoeven has Thomas look straight in the camera and say what he really thinks
Viewers can’t tell if it’s supposed to be satire
Steven Spielberg uses an animatronic David Koch. It doesn’t look real and malfunctions during every other take.