Kentucky coal museum installs solar panels because conventional energy is too expensive

If that isn’t enough, I hear there are a bunch of former presidents spinning in their graves because of the current resident of the White House. We just need some magnets and wire.


Yeah its pretty much what I expected. Most of our hydro power is in our most mountainous state: Tasmania. A fun fact I learned recently is that fresh water could be fed from Tasmania to Victoria. It would flow 100 km under Bass Strait and be entirely gravity fed. No pumping required.

The US uses 16% coal, as of 2015, according to "Monthly Energy Review"
Germany uses 43% coal.
China- 66%

This would indicate that the US is not uniquely backward in it’s use of coal. Just for perspective.


“conventional energy is too expensive”

You think utility rates are high now??

Just wait until everybody gets solar panels on their roof, and the entire fixed cost of those coal or gas or nuclear plants has to be covered by the Kwh purchased at night or on rainy days.

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