Kieth McClery's pedantic Russian digressions on racism: a treatise

People who live within and comprise a massively corrupt nation act in massively corrupt ways, and teach each other that being massively corrupt is normal.

You can judge a culture based on what its members believe and do. It’s super normal and not racist. No matter how many false equivalences you try to dishonestly draw.

Russia being corrupt and encouraging and rewarding its culture to be corrupt isn’t innate at all. It’s just what the empirical facts are.


OK, that Russians drink IS a cultural stereotype, just like your other examples.

Cultural stereotypes often have a kernel of truth, but can still be harmful. Some are neutral, and a few positive.

With Russians and drinking, there are actual stats to show they consume a lot of alcohol (both now and historically), and more spirits than most other countries. But even then, the average Russian isn’t an alcoholic, and we can certainly utter the phrase “not all Russians” fairly.

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Maryland is among the national leaders in allowing “legal corruption”—but he is far from the only politician to push the bounds of the law. The normalization of this sort of personal self-dealing has turned out to be one of the most successful political projects of our age

Look at that. More ad hominem.

But, you will say, whatabout Trump.

Just leaving this here…


Which races would these be, exactly?

Isn’t this thread all about you?

Maybe you could help us out with your personal definition of race?


I’m an anticapitalist (in fact a socialist) and I don’t think anyone should be benefiting monetarily from being in government including Chelsea. Additionally I think that corporate lobbying in general is unacceptable.

Both trump’s emoluments violations are bad, as are the clintons profiting off of their political offices and connections.

I’m more ethically consistent than you’d like to project.


Google much?

No, it’s about Kieth McClery.

I go with the broad UN definition, but some racists prefer much narrower definitions (by which they can claim not to be racist).

Yes, I’m quite familiar with that, but it doesn’t say anything about “race”. I’m curious which groups of Israelis @Akimbo_NOT considers “races”.

This conv is going nowhere.

Have a good day sir.


Wikipedia features a narrow definition:

You really don’t want to explain what you meant by:

Perhaps try Israelis are comprised of several different races. You’d be closer.


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