Originally published at: Kind-hearted person nurtures injured bee back to health | Boing Boing
Definitely a Wonderful Thing
I nursed a bee back to health.
Last early fall there was a bee resting on our foundation in the front yard. Then we notice it hadn’t moved in awhile, and later saw that it had fallen into the rocks. So I scooped it up and put it on some bricks in the sun and then put some honey out, which it did eat some. I goofed and got some honey on her and washed it off. We left her alone thinking she would eat and warm up and fly, but she didn’t. She fell into the grass but i found here again.
So i got a Cool Whip container and put her in it with some grass and leaves and made some sugar water this time in a cap. I brought her inside thinking I would release her the next day, but about an hour later she was buzzing and flying in the container so i took her outside and she flew away. Just needed to warm up, it looked like.
I also saw a tiny garter snake in between the decorative brick and the ground, the little crack right there, when I was looking for the bee.
If she is in Europe, that looks like a White Tailed Bumble Bee, which is native to Europe. I can’t find any bumble bees in North America with a white “tail”.
I usually try and pop them on a flower big enough to support their weight, hopefully there they can get their sugar fix.
I get so many types of bumblebees in the summer, the noise they make in poppies is just adorable.
That video confirms me in my dislike of Dara O’Briain.
I’ve given bees honey to revive them. A miniscule amount is all that’s needed. A pin dipped in honey is more than enough, in my experience.
Such a lovely story! snif
A really cool chick at my grade school said she petted bumblebees, which impressed me. She told me you just have to be careful and gentle, and that they’re very soft. I tried it myself, the next time I could get close enough to one who was facing away from me and busy with a flower. I V carefully stroked the bee’s back, and the bee didn’t object. She was indeed very soft.
I pet at least one almost every year.
The image by the headline of this article is an Asian Hornet, not a bee.
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