Kubrick wanted a clear monolith for 2001: A Space Odyssey

Kid walking away must have touched it. Decided on a small diet coke rather than a giant slurpee.

“Berkshire to Valley Forge! Berkshire to Valley Forge” is burned into my brain.


Problem is, Lowell waited too long. The minute the order came through to destruct the domes he could have piled into one dome with all the tools and materials he could manage, and ejected it. He could have done the same with the other domes, putting drones inside, admittedly without training.

Instead he waited for the last possible moment and got pushed into murdering his friend. And in the end got involved in a murder-suicide.

Oh and btw there were a hell of a lot of oscilloscopes on that ship. I wonder what they used them all for?

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I would think the effort at depicting Saturn’s rings would have preclude using it.

You can get a good idea of the rings with a four inch refracting telescope. Get a good reflector and take a long exposure. Paste into a backdrop and you have your picture of Saturn. All of this was possible in the 1960s.


No idea. But then again, an aircraft carrier was used as the interior of the spacecraft, so…


Saw the film for the first time in a theater a few years back at the AFI theater in Washington DC (after seeing it untold times in video formats of all manner)

I gotta say, it felt less ponderous in that format.

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With all the technical issues going on in the production, I would think an exacting perfectionist like Kubrick would lack the desire to deal with it. Something that he would never be satisfied with, or feel right enough for the screen.


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