They said the Eiffel Tower was an eyesore at first as well…
the world needs more light-pollution; who needs stars in the nightsky when you got this monstrosity in your neighborhood? darkness at night for sleep is such an overrated concept.
… but isn’t the hard part always walking away after the first hundred million
Yeah, I’m scratching my head, too. Apart from knowing how to book expenses and accruals to make the books look good and minimize tax exposure, what is the CFO supposed to do? Get on the phone and try to book acts? Turn off the lights if revenues don’t hit a certain level by Tuesday? Change out the Kuerig pods for tide pods? Print out a dozen sheets of counterfeit 100s?
Good on the CFO walking out on that shit. Must be nice to have the kind of cash and connections where that is a possibility.
My professor for engineering mechanics would routinely rant against the Eiffel tower in at least every other lecture. In the mid-1980ies. It always felt kind of personal.
(When he wasn’t ranting about the Eiffel tower he was raving about Newton, Euler and Einstein. He was a weird little chap.)
The Lariouchites seemed keenly interested in Leibnitz and Newton. (I first learned of this obsession while reading Stephenson’s Baroque Cycle books)
Oh dear, I had forgotten about his rants against Leibnitz… Firmly on team Newton, our Henry was.
There’s enough screen real estate, they could launch the $100,000,000 Homepage on it.
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