Last states called: Biden wins Georgia, Trump limps to finish in N.C

It was an odd point of pride for Minnesotans when the Iran-Contra hearings started. A state-wide “told 'ya so” of sorts.


Biden’s estimated final vote margin would place him right in the middle of the outcomes since 1988—worse than four elections, better than four other elections, and slightly ahead of Barack Obama’s successful reelection campaign in 2012.


Biden did still beat Reagan in terms of Reagan’s popular vote margin against Carter though. The last time a challenger won a higher percentage of the popular vote running against an incumbent President was when FDR beat Hoover in 1932.

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Sure, but that was 1980, not 84.

Right. But again, not the same landslide as in 84, 72, or 36. It’s most certainly decisive and impressive, though.


Still, I think comparing Biden’s victory to past races involving a sitting President is the best way to think about his margin of victory. The incumbent generally has a big advantage going into the race. Only ten of Trump’s 43 predecessors failed to win re-election.


This should also be considered a factor when we talk about the large number of voters who did vote for 45. The bully pulpit of the Presidency is a powerful mechanism to get votes in itself. That’s why there are limitations on a sitting president using it for campaigning. Limitations that 45 completely ignored.

He ran his campaign downhill, with the wind at his back, breathing pure oxygen. He still lost.


on literal steroids


at least according to that article i posted, a landslide is considered a 10 point margin or more. and reagan didnt quite make it in 84

somehow this makes me feel better

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Gotta make sure all the “legal votes” are counted.

(And this is how I know when a talking head is a Trumper even without it being specifically mentioned - when they make sure to mention “legal” votes. As if there’s any desire on the left to do anything different.)


Agreed, the margin is good. I mean that the world is puzzled that Trump got more than, say, 12 votes. I’m at a loss to think of something he did to deserve 70 million votes.


This graphic can’t be signal-boosted enough.


If anything that graphic is too kind to Trump since it includes Presidents who did not seek re-election.


Damn, I just realized that we may have all missed an opportunity. If only someone had convinced Trump that he was a president in the mold of James K Polk, rather than Andrew Jackson, perhaps he would have followed Polk’s example and never sought a second term, claiming that he already accomplished all his goals in record time. I guess it worked out anyway. More humiliating this way.


Goes without saying…Lawyers work to the level of retainer purchases. Exhaust that revenue and expect to be stalled should lack of capital infusion fails to follow.

Yeah, all this chicanery is complete f****** b*******.

Also doesn’t highlight losing the popular vote twice, the special category occupied only by Adams, Harrison and Trump.


Hey, John Quincy Adams lost the popular vote to Andrew Jackson-- who is by now rightly reviled. That’s got to count for something. Adams was later elected as a representative from Massachusetts, and spent 16 years haranguing the country for not abolishing slavery.

I would not expect Trump’s post presidential political career to be so noble, though it might be as noisy.


Did he mean 4 years? The only time Dems started talking about rigged elections is when he got elected with the help of Russia. My poor President didn’t even realize he was being used as a useful idiot. He was so much in denial that he obstructed justice multiple times in his bid to make it go away. The impeachment wasn’t about obstruction though so he skated through that.

That being said Americans have to realize that this new delusion is only the fulfillment of a long ago campaign promise. Drain the Swamp! You have to admit when this guy says he’s going to change the ethics and institutional values in Washington he doesn’t fool around. Right now I barely recognize the place.


Same thing when the Watergate hearings started . An actual very popular bumper sticker around here was “Don’t Blame Me, I’m from Massachusetts”.


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