Last Week Tonight viewing thread?

Yes, but they seem to be weathering it enough at this point… and they’re getting arms nonetheless.

True. I don’t know it’s enough support, though.

A question we’ll never be able to answer is if tougher or different sanctions would have had an impact, and meant that Putin did not go for a bigger invasion? But he sort of treats the invasion of Crimea as… not less serious, I guess? But as not as serious as it turned out to be in the long run, if you get my meaning? And that’s probably a reflection of how our political class was treating it at the time…

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Yeah, I remember thinking this at the time.

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I appreciate just how much Oliver is willing to point out just how much other countries’ matter rather than just assume it’s about the US all the time. I guess it helps that he’s an immigrant?

Referencing the previous discussions on Modi is a nice touch.

I like his careful exploration of why Modi is popular in India in this piece and it’s not just based entirely on Hindu nationalism. Still, the bigotry is central to rallying people to his party. The cartoon he mentions about Muslims as “infiltrators” is right fucked…

Fucking YIKES! Very much like other authoritarians around the world. I wish he’d make that larger connection between Islamophobia and authoritarianism in the west (and in India).

He says that they’re sliding towards authoritarianism, but how far down that road are they already.

He mentions the promises of sanitation infrastructure and handing out food to the poor. But most importantly, the expansion of the Indian economy is considered to be key, but part of that is just mirage, like they just redefined what constitutes poverty. And since people are getting fed by the government, they’re less likely to think critically about whether or not they’re being included the economic expansion of the Indian economy.

A break for Opposite Snakes… :laughing: “they come from eggs, but their eggs are violent…” :laughing: Note the mention of the opposite snakes website… :thinking:

“a nightmare of opposite snakes” is correct… :sob:

And now he gets into the neo-liberal nature of the Modi economy, with the economic expansion being highly unequal and poverty expanding at a rapid rate (including with hunger increasing). “1 million people control 80% of India’s wealth” is a shocking stat. As is the global hunger index, with India being BELOW Sudan and NK!

The media is playing a critical role in keeping these realities from the public. Which… is this the ultimate in society of the spectacle? With the media creating the reality rather than our lyin’ eyes? Poverty is something that people experience, but that’s not reflected on the mass media in India, rather, the narrative of an upward trajectory for the country under Modi’s careful, wise hand? So, you don’t really believe yourself, but the media, because they are telling you “India is doing WELL” and the unstated part is that if “YOU are not, that’s YOUR problem/fault, not Modis”… :thinking:

Mango break!

State attack on independent media, including international outlets like the BBC… one thing that he could have mentioned here is that one of the ways that they delegitmize the BBC is to invoke British Imperialism…

“Do you have any idea who I am, I’m BILL FUCKING MAHER!!!”


Of course, there HAVE been attacks overseas on political enemies by the Indian state… So, smart of him to deflect to Bill Maher, a guy no one likes…

Press freedom is low in India, and they’ve focused on both national, international, and local outlets. Here’s what strikes me, is that this is a direct state attack on the media (though they mentioned one of his allies buying up an unfriendly outlet earlier), but how the news deserts in the US are very similar. And sometimes, those end up being bought out by right wingers hell-bent on bringing a critical press to heel. But its still the same outcome, right? That media is less critical of the power structure, and more likely to be friendly to the power structure. And that’s bad for democracy. If we think about reporting on the tech industry, and how often it’s just cosy and friendly with tech companies, rather than bringing any sort of critical lens to the industry. That’s not very different from the DC press corps also benefiting from the relationship with those in power to some degree. You see that, you think hard about whether or not you can fully trust what’s being reported, but then social media claims to be a challenge to that, but then you get back to who controls it, and how little they want to rock the status quo really…

And of course, the show’s episodes critcizing modi got pulled in India…

The government is attacking online sources of alternative information for the public. Bad news. And India has been one of the countries seeking to put pressure on social media companies to weed about “negative” stories about Modi or his government…

Political attacks on those seeking to push for greater transparency, such as putting pressure on politicians to join the BJP…

Back to Islamophobia and how he’s using it to stay in power… This has included direct attacks on Muslims and on their property. The whole “bulldozer justice” stuff is enraging (as is the out right murders on Muslims happening). And they’re reveling in it, by employing the bulldozer as a nationalist symbol now, which is utterly fucked.

With regards to the H-pop, that puts me in mind of Turbofolk in Yugoslavia during wars… there were strong ties between the musicians of the genre in Serbia, and the genocidal warlords (one warlord, Arkan, married one of the biggest Turbofolk stars, Ceca). Eric Gordy did a whole chapter on this in his book about the war and Serbian culture during that time. But again, this goes back to the whole society of the spectacle idea about how mass culture can help shape our reality via mediating what is reality between people.

There are 200 million Muslims in India, despite being a minority. But of course, pushing out Muslims is a major goal, which is why this violence is not only tolerated but encouraged, as they say.

What can we do as we’re not voters? Put pressure on our officials to not downplay what’s happening with the rise of authoritarianism there…

And then he offers alternative modes of finding the video… which is of course opposite snakes video and a video about how to eat mangos… then he reiterates he’s Bill Maher!

As always, I’m impressed by just how well-researched these videos tend to be. They really bring the receipts about what’s happening.


The most recent ep deals with deep sea mining, and the next Elon Musk clone:



What struck me most about this story is how he seems to be getting ahead of the mining itself… Like, this is not happening yet, but could happen soon, and he’s clearly bringing attention to it. Especially that Elon Musk clone… ugh! Are these dipshits made in vats or something? Where do they come from? Why do they end up in positions of relative power? Does having a bunch of money just make one a jackass?

But it’s also worth noting we should probably look at the larger picture of the green economy, and think critically about how green is actually is… It might be directly be using fossil fuels to power cars or whatever, but if you’re using the power grid to charge your car, it can still be dependent on fossil fuels, depending on where one lives… And I think we know that Tesla itself has had some real problems with their environmental footprint (not to mention other car manufactures).

And in addition to this method of sourcing the needed materials for the green economy (an alternative to mining on land), we also need to acknowledge the violence that supports the green economy right now, too. Since so much of the materials from the places like the Congo, the highly unstable and violent situation there is in part due to that “need.” This is part of why there has been talk about bringing those mining operations “home”… but lots of these materials are found on indigenous lands protected by treaties… And there is an environmental cost to these mining operations, in addition to the violence against the people who are (often) forced to do this work…

Let’s hope that we can cut this proposal off at the pass, and protect the oceans…


Another classic before I post this past weeks (which is about Trump, Project 2025, and specifically schedule F)…

I’m giving it a rewatch now, so I’ll update comment as I go along!

Starts with the drafting of Michael Sam and how the media covered it… ESPN leaning into the sports jargon! Although I don’t know that I agree with his point that sports fan (or at least some hyper-masculine ones) wouldn’t care about someone’s sexuality if they were winning… But of course he was cut from the Rams during the pre-season games his first year, then was on the Cowboys practice squad, and was finally picked up by a Canadian team in the CFL… he’s currently a coach in Europe… So, he didn’t last, likely not because of his “lack” of talent, but because of homophobia… It felt big, but didn’t last long, sadly. The fanbase is highly reactionary, sadly.

[ETA] Ukraine!!! Oh no! 2014 Eurovision… I love how he talks about what the Eurovision contest is… Oh, the hamster wheel guy!!!


And the song had the lyrics “tick tock”… :sob:

As for Russia… follically conjoined twins… But the lyrics seem to be about annexation… And then he jokes about Europe going to war and tearing itself apart again… :grimacing: But this was the year Cochita Wurst won! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Putin’s speech about “reintegrating” Crimea into the “motherland”… Ugh. He showed people pointing out how Crimea would be a drain on Russia, rather than a help (most of it’s energy came from the rest of Ukraine and would now need to come from Russia. So, pretty much it was always about a pretext for a full on annexation of Ukraine, me thinks, which has been shown to be true given the larger invasion.

A bit dickish about Crimea…



Bitcoin as political contributions, as a larger discussion on political finance. I would love a thrash metal ska fusion band named Dance with Fate… Who is funding these elections is the main question (less about bitcoin). The language of war from McConnell in his senate race is striking, but it’s not just him but his opponent at the time (Alison Grimes?). Obviously McConnell won, but I think the lack of substance is what he’s really trying to point out here, and that goes along with the funding model of elections. He called the animated gifs a “tiny movie clip”?


Weren’t those kind of animated gifs in wider usage at that time? Do I just assume that animated gifs have always been there, taken from movies or shows? I mean, I know they haven’t been but… :thinking:

He noted that about 30% of kentucky was not online and was less about the issues facing the people there and more about… shitposting? Seems like this was part of the larger process happening of the memeification of our elections and the distorting power of money… And look where that has gotten us today! I appreciate him pointing out the issues facing the state and using gifs to punctuate those issues as a joke. It’s a microcosm of the larger problems with the culture wars shaping elections.

Nudity and blood incoming ahoy! NSFW!!!

The fake attack ads are hilarious…

I will not screenshot the anti-McConnell ad… because… ugh…

[ETA] “How is this still a thing”…



He turns to a report put out by the Obama white house on climate change and the skepticism around it. Interestingly, he’s using the term “global warming” and “climate change” interchangable. Again, he’s calling out how the media dealt with the “debate” over climate change… he brought Bill Nye out as well as 96 scientists to show how we should not be having this debate on the media, as it distorts the issue. Not just climate change for that either, but it’s a general problem with many issues, with facts being put up against “feelings”…


After watching this episode, the most recent Austerity episode, and Robert Reich’s video on the “Free Market,” that is most definitely what voters need to find out:

Sadly, the press is drowning that out just like John Oliver demonstrated at the end of his piece on climate change. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I think it’s more a conflict between facts and corporate interest.

That, along with the terrible stats on literacy in the fake political ads, is working exactly as the GOP intended. Keep a significant percentage of voters ignorant of what’s happening in the world around them, and it’s easier to sell them on whatever story “conservatives” use to get them to vote against their own interests. This also enables them to oppose legislation that helps people, like Biden Administration spending on infrastructure, and lie about their true position when their constituents start benefitting from it.


Good point… I do think that corporate interests are more likely to weaponize emotion (such as described by that Adam Curtis Documentary from a while back).



Here’s an informational video. :wink:

(Plus a way to plug a nice channel, Animated Spellbook)

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The final moments of this latest episode can only be described with one word: Epic.


I’ve not done one of these in a while, and since he’s back on this week, I thought I’d review another classic from the first season…

Stay tuned for some commentary in a bit…


Tom Hanks Thank You GIF


An interesting fact about the World Games is that military pentathlon and pesäpallo have something in common: the ball used in pesäpallo is based on a hand grenade.

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Again, he looks so young…

Clearly experimenting with guests in this episode…

Starting with BS from Erdogan… have we forgotten what an authoritarian asshole this guy is? And how he seems immune to blowback from his actions? Some combination of central control of the media, and the use of force to deal with critics… But he certainly belongs in the same category as folks like Putin or Orban… And let’s not forget that Trump also likes him. Fascists of a feather, of course.

The anniversary of MA legalizing same sex marriage! Pre-Obergefell (2015), since he noted states legalizing same-sex marriage. But nintendo is raining on our parade!

I love bullshit national holidays! Sorry John!

Main story is on GM… I’m wondering if there is some sort of structural connection with these recalls (nice total recall joke) and Boeing. It seems to illustrate a larger problem with deregulation and the shift to corporations focusing on short term gains in the market over quality of their products and customer loyalty… I blame Bork. But overall, since car accidents aren’t as high profile as plane accidents, they were able to fly under the radar for longer perhaps? The list of words are frighteningly hilarious… I mean…

Kevorkianesque!!! Holy shit! But it does seem to me that we had hints at how dangerous the Reagan-era drive to deregulate has been for our health and safety. Another tactic we could connect to other corporate BS, giving leadership to a woman (or maybe to a POC) as a company is having real problems. Similar to what happened with HP with Fiorina… bring in the “diversity hire” just as the company is having real issues, then pin the blame on that “diversity hire.” Also, Frank Lunz can go fuck himself…


I’m pretty sure that’s who that pasty lump of BS is, anyway, I’m not sure I care enough to go figure it out. Because no one ever says that shit about men, no matter how many kids they have… He does a good job discussing how pointless fines are to reigning in corporations.

The internet! And EU regulations!

He does a pretty good Morrissey! Shep Smith… bank robber! :grin: But how is his analysis about how things work on the internet…I don’t know if I fully agree. I think maybe he dismisses just how much shit will float to the top and how quickly the churn wipes stuff away, or how some online can keep it going. It’s become a weaponized set of tactics to try and control the narrative, not just static stuff existing online… It all hinges on virality, rather than just… being there? I think that narrative around that stuff is maybe a little dated?


Embarrassed Shame GIF

An interview with Fareed Zakaria and a discussion on the election putting Modi in power. How does Zakaria’s analysis hold up? Is it just me, or is this set just like the old Colbert report set?

Were the filmed in the same place? :thinking: Is he downplaying the threat to people who aren’t on board with the Hindutva agenda? Mostly exciting? And he seemed to be assuming Hillary Clinton would win in 2016 there, isn’t he? Third world socialism? :thinking: His conservative views on display there. He’s right that the US is setting a particular model for a neo-liberal economy spreading globally. And here is the second half…

Again, how well does this analysis hold up, with regards to the “but” of the election outcome. Is he excusing Modi here with regards to the ethnic cleansing in the 90s? :rage: He’s from a Muslim family. Seems like Oliver should have pushed back harder here. What about that list of people banned for religious intolerance… :thinking: He’s right about Saudi Arabia, tho. Modi cares more about toilets than temples…


But he noted that he ran on development over hindutva… But how much of that development is based on discrimination. And what about lower castes, and how the focus on religious nationalism will cement that in Indian culture. Sure, maybe a Dalit family will get a toilet, but will they be frozen in particular position in society? And what about ethnically cleansed Muslims? :woman_shrugging: Why is the only choice development or equity, or as Zakaria would have it, third world socialism? Oliver does bring it back home, in that the US was moving in the opposite direction over voting access while India is busting ass to expand that. I do wonder about Zakaria’s claim here about no serious violence over elections specifically? While results of elections might be widely accepted, there is plenty of violence in post-Independence history in India connected to political tensions, no? I’ll have to look that up… he also dismisses 1970s socialism in India, too. :roll_eyes: Now he credits British colonialism with the embrace of parliamentary democracy… FFS. How fascinating is it, given the eventually direction?

Anyway… interesting!


More comments to come!


I’m behind!

Commentary coming soon!


It’s informative and heartbreaking.


I’m behind… sorry!

stressed big bang theory GIF


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