Lauren Bacall, leading lady of Hollywood's golden age, 1924-2014


She didnā€™t need to bring sexy back. It was always with her. In spades.


Wow. I always thought of her as a figure out of distant history. Itā€™s kind of shocking to realize that sheā€™s my grandmaā€™s age. Much respect. We could use more like her today.

Lauren Bacall ā€œbecame best known as Humphrey Bogartā€™s on and offscreen partnerā€? What a horrible way to discount her and what she accomplished. And, really, the reverse is true: her initial prominence was not doubt aided by her debut with Bogart in To Have and Have Not, as well as their partnership going forward from there, but sheā€™s really known as a damn fine actress.


<ā€˜bogey>She was a classy dame.<ā€™/bogey>


She was best known for that voice.

Wikipedia agreesā€¦


I very rarely have any reason to quote myself, but I wrote this just a week ago on another siteā€¦

"What a woman. Lauren Bacall is one for the ages. She defines the red line at the top of the scale.

She must have driven Bogart bonkers (in the best possible way.) I mean, just look at her. And besides being an archetype of beauty and sexuality, sheā€™s freaking brilliant. Everything.

Thatā€™s evolution, doing its stuff. I could go on at much greater length, but I need a shower. And a drink."

Yes, she was breathtaking, but what I remember most is how her intellect just poured off the screen. She really was brilliant; she and Lenny Bernstein were best buds, and more than anyone else in her life, I think of them being very happy to see each other again.

Heā€™ll have a cigarette and a glass of scotch waiting for her, and then heā€™ll conduct Godā€™s own version of Beethovenā€™s 9th just to say ā€œhi.ā€


Well, speaking of horses, I like to play them myself. But Iā€™d
like to see them work out a little first to see if they are front
runners or come from behind, find out whatā€™s their whole card is,
what makes them running.

Find out mine?

I think so.

Go ahead.

Iā€™d say you donā€™t like to be rated. You like to get out in
front, open up a lead, take a little breather in the backstretch
and then come home free.

You donā€™t like to be rated yourself.

I havenā€™t met anyone yet who could do it. Any suggestions?


Oh man! I fell in love with her in To Have and Have Not and never fell out.

Most beautiful 89 year old that ever lived.

You know how to whistle, donā€™t you?


And she was the voice talent of the Witch of the Waste in Howlā€™s Moving Castle - I just love the energy and passion in her voice.

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She was so great.
I can watch The Big Sleep over and over again.

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Hereā€™s a really good photographic retrospective on Bacall. She was just such an amazing woman.


I missed her early cinematic years, but what I loved about Lauren Bacall was her combination of confidence, humor, and wrinkles. She never looked like she was trying to hide her age or relive her ā€œglory days.ā€

She seemed very comfortable in her skin and that will always be sexy.

ā€¦And I do agree with my claim.


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