Originally published at: Laurie Anderson on choosing optimism in the midst of "apocalyptic pornography" | Boing Boing
Love this woman! Protect her at all costs!!!
I like this
i find comfort in just this.
Have you seen her film about the death of her beloved dog Lolabelle (and Lou, too)?
It’s lovely…
Also… Lolabelle and Lou…
I have not. Tales where dogs die are heart-breakers for me but that is a sweet pic of Lou giving her cuddles
Heart-breakers for everyone, except bad people!
Anderson is a Buddhist, so it’s all through that lens, about the impermanence of life and all that. There is a good bit of meditation on how 9/11 changed her and her relationship to Manhattan…
Maybe I’ll watch it on a strong-willed day
It’s really beautiful, and much more about what a good girl Lolabelle was…
In the meantime, you can see Lolabelle’s “keyboard stylings” on some youtube videos…
Love the barking and playing at the same time
That’s the wonderful kind of silly that I like, fun, creative and just a little ridiculous - but with dogs!
A friend of mine and I in college always referred to Laurie Anderson as “Aunt Laurie.” I still think of her that way.
ETA: Here she is performing in the sculpture garden of the Hirshhorn this past June. Her exhibition there was wonderful (natch):
Some people, I just keep thinking “could they possibly get cooler?” They startle and inspire me and make me so happy.
They remind me that if they can make so many people this happy for so long, then I can probably manage three or four, a bit, today.
She’s wonderful Saw her when she was on tour for Strange Angels and The Ugly One With the Jewels.
This brief piece has always made me weep, and I have no idea why:
Sometimes just thinking about it has the same effect.
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