Leaked docs reveal Koch/Walton/DeVos's anti-teacher talking points

For a more interesting hack, this guy might try creating an algorithm capable of finding someone nearby who would actually appreciate whatever junk his machine bought for him. A particularly good system might break even, hard to imagine it turning a profit, though.

I wish I believed that making working conditions and pay terrible would lead to more unionization. It might for teachers, but clearly hasn’t for “macho” jobs, where being able to strut around and preen about how you got cancer providing for your family is pay enough.

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“In most states, administrators and other non-teaching staff vastly outnumber teachers”

In many (most?) large cities, the non-teaching staff may not outnumber teachers, but their collective salaries certainly do. I live in a small town where we seem to need to add vice-superintendents every few years, you know, to accommodate the next generation of nepotists. I have seen salary breakdowns for New York and Boston which ought to embarrass every educational civil servant in those cities. This is another bludgeon used against teachers. The budgets which include these sinecures for the connected are used to “expose” the massive waste in public education and end up, somehow, attributed to working teacher’s greed.


Even without a “wage slavery” argument, slavery is nowhere near being abolished.

Not in West Africa, not in Libya (thanks, NATO!), not in the prisons of the USA.


Add some more: forced labour also exists within the US immigration detention system. Round up the Mexican farmhands, then send them back to the farms in chains.

There are also prisons in the South that still use inmates to pick cotton.


But if you let one tax be levied you let ALL TAXES BE LEVIED, zero money for earners and TOTAL money for freeloading liberals.

Here’s one, with a twist.

So what action do I take to end up in the Australia Project instead of Manna?


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