Leftist Media & Agitprop

Since we live in a properly fascist hellscape now why not lean into it and talk leftist base building?

I’ve found that podcasts and video essays are actually one of the best tools that the modern leftist has to build class consciousness and are gravely under-utilized for that purpose. Below I have compiled a list of podcasts and youtubers and short descriptions about what they talk about and when they’re a good recommendation. Feel free to add your own, and please spread these / check these out.


Marx Madness


Topics: Theory

Traits I look for in people when recommending this:

  1. Supports any of AOC, Ilhan Omar, Bernie, Warren.
  2. Talks about “Crony Capitalism” or corruption.
  3. Complains about their job, bills or medical expenses.
  4. Expresses distress about the environment.
  5. Expresses vague anti-capitalist sentiments.
  6. Considers both sides to be the same / distrusts the institution.

What do I emphasize when recommending this?

The hosts are very lively and fun to listen to and make the theory feel like a casual discussion you’d have with someone on a couch, perhaps while passing around a joint. One of them is new to theory so they make it digestible for anyone who is new to theory.

Why do I recommend this?

This podcast provides an entry point to Marxism that is simultaneously incredibly accessible and exceedingly thorough. It is entertaining and educational, and more effectively agitational than anything else I have found so far. If you are going to lead with one recommendation, it should be this.

Citations Needed

Topics: Propaganda, Current Events, History

Traits I look for in people when recommending this:

  1. Supports any of AOC, Ilhan Omar, Bernie, Warren.
  2. Follows any of these media sources:
    – NPR
    – Slate
    – The Washington Post
    – The New York Times
    – BBC / CNN / MSNBC
  3. Talks about any of the following:
    – The Mueller Report / Russian interference
    – Impeachment
    – Election polls, electability
  4. Longs for a “normal” time.

What do I emphasize when recommending this?

The host explains tricks that the rightwing media uses to bend facts or launder propaganda as news.

Why do I recommend this?

This podcast encourages critical thinking about media and narratives, and instills a healthy distrust in the institution. This is a good podcast to recommend early on.

Revolutionary Left Radio

Topics: History, Theory, Current Events

Traits I look for in people when recommending this:

  1. Identifies as a socialist, communist, or radical.
  2. Involved in activism.
  3. Disenchanted with the Democratic party.
  4. Enjoys the interview-discussion format.

What do I emphasize when recommending this?

The hosts interview prominent activists on the left and talk about a wide range of topics from a lense you don’t often see in media.

Why do I recommend this?

This podcast is widely popular among the left and often inspires discussions within the left, so it is good to be in the loop on if you’re interacting with leftists regularly. It also provides a quick overview of events, characters, and dynamics that shape the modern left and come up often in discourse and relations.

Red Menace

Topics: Theory, History

Traits I look for in people when recommending this:

  1. Identifies as a socialist, communist, or radical.
  2. Involved in activism.

What do I emphasize when recommending this?

The hosts discuss a wide range of leftist theory at a high level and relate it to modern events.

Why do I recommend this?

This podcast provides another avenue for learning theory at a high level.

Horror Vanguard

Topics: Horror Movies, Theory, Cultural Analysis

Traits I look for in people when recommending this:

  1. Likes horror movies / movies in general.
  2. Enjoys critical analysis of movies / media.
  3. Enjoys philosophy discussions.

What do I emphasize when recommending this?

The hosts provide a novel and fascinating take on horror movies, both old and new.

Why do I recommend this?

This podcast provides a fun entry point to leftist theory and encourages people to see the political nature of all media.


Topics: Games, Game Industry Exploitation

Traits I look for in people when recommending this:

  1. Complains about any of the following:
    – Microtransactions
    – Loot boxes
    – Axing of their favorite studios
    – Multiplayer-only games
    – MMOs
    – DRM
    – Any big studio like EA, Bethesda, etc.
  2. Enjoys reviews of games / discovering games via recommendations.
  3. Enjoys any media with LGBTQIA representation.

What do I emphasize when recommending this?

The hosts shoot the shit about interesting videogames you may not have heard of, and also provide a cathartic takedown of the practices the game industry tries to pull on its audiences and its workers.

Street Fight Radio

Topics: Talk Radio, Current Events, Working, Parenting

Traits I look for in people when recommending this:

  1. Enjoys morning radio shows.
  2. Complains about their job, bills or medical expenses.
  3. Expresses vague anti-capitalist sentiments.

What do I emphasize when recommending this?

The hosts are very down-to-Earth and shoot the shit with people who call-in to talk about the bullshit they have to deal with at work. They also have call-in shows where they hear exclusively from LGBTQIA community.


Philosophy Tube

Topics: Philosophy, Cultural Analysis, Capitalism

Good videos:

Thought Slime

Topics: Capitalism, Propaganda, Cultural Analysis

Good videos:


Topics: Games, Game Industry Exploitation, Capitalism

Good videos:


Topics: Grifters, Internet Culture, Cultural Analysis

Good videos:

Sarah Z

Topics: Feminism, Internet Culture, Cultural Analysis

Good videos:


It’s a pretty well known mainstream podcast now but NYT’s “1619” project is a great ongoing series about the long reach of slavery and racism throughout many central aspects of American History, such as the state of our healthcare system and the history of American music.


I’ve only just started to check out LeftTube, but from what I’ve seen so far, I’m really enjoying PhilosophyTube. He uses lots of citations, puts forth some intelligent arguments, and he’s got a good sense of humor.

I’m bookmarking this so I can check out some of the other 'casts on your list-- they sound terrific!


One note on Marx Madness that I just found out: there is a really hot take on S1 Ep14 about the internment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang, namely that they’re made up.

This is one blindspot a lot of Western Marxists have, and I think it is because of how disenchanted we are with Western media and how alluring an ascendant communist China sounds. I don’t think it invalidates their other analysis, but it was a real cringe moment.

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This kind of thing is part of the reason why I lean towards anarcho-communism rather than Marxism. To be fair, I don’t think that Libertarian Marxists are as likely to have this blind spot.


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