Legitimate Political Discourse: The TV show

The FDC keeps telling us the rules by which they intend to play.
This reality doesn’t seem to be sinking in, in some quarters.
More nutjobbery by the FDC in Houston

  • “Manditory automatic death penalty will be imposed on charged and indicted individuals found guilty of 1st degree murder of state or local police, and murder of innocent victims of gang warfare, of any kind, murders involving home invasions, kidnapping, and car-jackings or murders in mass.”

  • “All Chinese nationals will be considered, as spies, and will be forcibly removed from the United States of America, including all businesses, schools, and universities.”

  • “Texas will wage war against all invaders into the Texas borders by deadly force and invaders will be considered a terrorist threat to our citizens. After minimum warning, violators will be eliminated if they do not retreat.”

There are 8 of these tidbits in all; the first, of course, has to do with sex education in schools.
Hint: None, whatsover.
This seems to go hand-in-hand with the abolition of abortion [that’s on the list, too, as is their usual anti-LGBTQ drivel]


“Catching conservatives in double standards, blatant hypocrisy, even noting that they’re reversing their positions in the span of a single sentence - it doesn’t bother them. For them, any political stance is completely specific to the situation in question and exists only to advance conservative goals.”

Good point @Shuck but what are those goals? They’re not stating their goals. Maybe I could understand what conservative Republicans are for if they’d just share their goals.

They are for a social class hierarchy with cishet white men at the top and heavily armed cops imposing their social dominance, and an international class hierarchy with heavily armed military imposing dominance
Not just that, but mostly that


Wow. That is some read. Delusional currently, aspirational in the direction we are headed. Republicans are going to destroy our country if we give them half a chance.


To quote Wilhoit: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect…” The in-group being white, male, Christian (their specific variety), heterosexual, etc. They’re all about maintaining the status quo, and their notion of the status quo is that the country is run by white, heterosexual, patriarchal Protestants. Anyone outside that group shouldn’t be given any power - either politically or culturally (except, occasionally, when they’re supporting the white, heterosexual Protestant patriarchy) - as members of the out-group aren’t really even “real” Americans, and are here at the forbearance of the in-group.

Which is to say if, for example, some activity supports white supremacy, they’re all for it, but if, in another context, it works against white supremacy, they’re suddenly against it. Covid also gets tangled up in this - the foreign origin of the virus, the fact that cities (filled with members of the out-group) were hit first meant that requests to get vaccinated/wear masks were seen as being for the benefit of the out-group, which is intolerable. That’s why the conservative response has been contradictory and self-destructive.


There’s a word for that.


Just as long as none of those cartoons is South Park.


Ummm…in a pediatric clinic?!?


I don’t know. I’ve known plenty of people who think anything animated is for kids.


Cool: Grave of the Fireflies, Ghost in the Shell, and Paprika on rotation, then!


Sad, but true. I’m hoping Rick & Morty has woken a few of those bright souls up to reality. :wink:


Two mutually contradictory beliefs? Only two? Amateurs!


“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”


No. Nope. Nada. Cute, saccharine, utterly inoffensive kid friendly fare.


Ah, a Fox News employee.



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