Lesbian couple voted prom king and queen at Ohio school

I didn’t want get too specific. :wink:




Turns out the kids are alright. They’re also :musical_note:ado-ra-ble​:musical_note:.

So they’re not just wrong (biologically speaking), but they’re also not even wrong in this context.

That really sounds like irony to me…

… But apparently not.


Yep, and it looks like there are two women here. Two women who like women.
Were they pissed that it was “king and queen”? Ah, I get it, they think it should have been “Queen and Queen” to properly identify their declared genders. Tres progressive!

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I know someone who took a (Edit: Sorry, remembered it was Hebrew) AP test (even though he only knew Korean and English) just because he had paid for the day, and was only taking one morning test.

Very surprisingly he got a “3” by doing pattern analysis on the symbols that he totally didn’t know. He was a legend at my school!


When I taught the AP English Lang and Comp, I was given the results of the students who chose to take the exam. All my kids received at least a 3 and above except one student, who received a 2. (He was a wonderfully sweet student whose heart was not into the class).

Then I saw results for three students who took the test but were not enrolled. One received a 2 and the other two received a 1. It’s a bummer because it counted toward my class statistics and the administration’s perception of my teaching abilities.

For those unfamiliar, a 3 is passing, but most colleges require a 4 or 5 for credit. Still, a 3 for a student who takes the test without taking a class is very impressive.


While I applaud the inclusion of diverse backgrounds, I look forward to the day when proms no longer promote monarchy rule.


How about two Consuls? A Triumvirate?


Username checks out.


Perhaps a panel of electors representing the various cliques (jocks, nerds, drama kids, goths, band kids. AV club, etc), could propose and vote on a set of nominees. Electors would be determined by each clique hosting a caucus. In this way the process could be dragged out for years.

Of course there would be much politicking to join certain low-density cliques based on their stronger proportional voting power. So don’t be surprised if the Ashleys start dressing in black and listening to Sisters of Mercy.


Awww two cute nerds. I’m happy for them. I just hope they steer clear of social media for a while cause you know fascists are gonna be smearing and stalking the heck out of them.


Wouldn’t the sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, and dickheads end up forming a coalition too powerful to allow more progressive factions a fair hearing?


All participants should have the option of entering their names in a raffle, with the winner being chosen randomly by computer.

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I have lived in a large coastal city and there wasn’t interracial anything there. In fact, I could go weeks at a time without seeing a person of color in my neighborhood. I saw this as a serious problem, but to my neighbors it was a feature and not a bug.

My experiences living in southern Ohio have been surprisingly gay positive, but YMMV if you’ve lived there and have experienced something else.

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