I’ve been banned from the bb forums twice, and have had entire threads worth of my comments eaten by the luck dragon. A few I understand, a number I think were a bit overboard.
With that said, I’ve never liked or agreed with the “no victim-blaming” “rule,” for a number of reasons.
Labelling people who have been fucked-over as “victims” is, in my opinion, totally dis-empowering to the individuals and/or groups who have been, yes, victimized. I know this sounds nonsensical, and hell, maybe it is. But I personally see a difference between a system that victimizes, and labelling individuals and groups as “victims.” Something about it sounds inhuman. It labels people as being weak. It’s one of those phrases that to me, seems appropriate to label acts with, but not people. An act can have a victim, but the person is a human. If someone has been victimized by an act, a system, etc., to me it empowers and humanizes that person more of we allow a dialogue to occur about whether the act that occurred was justified, if not why did it occur, etc.
Maybe I’m an idiot, but I still happen to believe in “teaching moments.” If a poster said that Brown had it coming to him because he robbed a store, I personally would have contributed to the conversation by making a larger point about how racism works. Maybe I would have reached that poster, maybe I wouldn’t have, maybe another reader would have found my point interesting or moving – that it’s not about whether a series of actions led to the death and could have been avoided, rather, if the same series of actions had occurred and it had been a white guy who stole the cigarillos, would he be alive or dead? Probably alive, and that’s what makes the event that occurred one that was rooted in racism. And maybe that perspective would have resonated with the original poster, and again, a “teaching moment.” But that moment, even if unlikely, wasn’t allowed to occur. A deeper dialogue wasn’t allowed to occur.
I dunno… Sometimes I feel bb can be an echo chamber, and perspectives a bit outside of the comfort zone should be allowed to be reflected in comments. I think more “nuance” should be applied when deciding to ban or not ban, remove posts or not remove posts. If I were a mod, frankly, a post with the tone “he robbed the store, go into a confrontation with police, and got shot and killed, and none of this would have happened had he not robbed the store” would be allowed, even if it’s patently untrue on multiple levels. But that’s me. I’m not a mod, I’m a dude who gets banned by the mods… sometimes. And at least through today, has always been allowed to come back!