LG Poland ad showcases phone's ability to take stealth upskirt photos

“We’re sorry that it’s still cheaper to generate publicity via misogyny and the Streisand effect than by producing a tasteful, memorable ad in the first place.”

A woman goes back in time with her Samsung phone.
She’s in Oświęcim in 1942…
She takes a photo, but then a german soldier accosts her. She shows him her phone-- the photo isn’t there.
Later, she logs in using her secret password. The photo is still there!
She posts it on 1942’s equivalent of social media, and the world knows. The world changes.

Seems to be true. Lots of Poles in Chicagoland, and I was surprised when I visited Germany and they learned that we loved the Poles here and made distasteful faces.

Bonus Eurovision entry below.

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“Even when I’m railed at, I get my quota of renown.”
Pietro Aretino 1492-1556


LG makes shit products anyway… so that sexist ad is just one more good reason to avoid ever giving them my money.


LG has had its ups and downs, but I have no complaints about my Stylo 5 at least. Also to their credit, they’re still putting analog headphone jacks on their phones. But I sure hate it when a company that makes a product I like pulls stupid shit like this - doubly so when the market in question is an oligopoly.


Many men in America are 100 years behind seeing women as human, including many men in power and some men here. This is a global problem for ALL women. Every last one of us has to put up with this dehumanization more than once in our lives. It’s not just a problem in what you see as some “backward” culture. It’s happens all over the world, every day.

it’s about dehumanizing women and assaulting them.

It’s most certainly not a “Poland” problem. It’s a problem in every single country on earth that has men in it. But yeah, plenty of Western Europeans and Americans look down their nose at stories like this from places they consider less civilized to make themselves feel superior, while doing the exact same shit in their countries. As if the people downplaying this aren’t bad enough, they have to bring ethnic essentialism into it too.

This time line blows…


Yes, and it needs to be acknowledged and fought everywhere. The linear progress (as in “100 years behind”) is a very harmful myth, because without fight progress on that front can easily roll back, for example look at United States, which had a very high gender gap index (higher index means more equality) between 2010 and 2015, and noticeably lower since 2016.
It also seems that there’s no correlation between wealth of a country and gender equality:

For example some developing countries (including Poland and Belarus) are higher in 2020 ranking than United States. It wasn’t always like that, Polish gender gap index was significantly lower in 2006, but is steadily increasing. I think that affirmative action has played important role in that increase.

Obviously such index doesn’t show the whole picture, but it may be an useful tool to show in which direction things are going.



I work very hard to teach this to students, but it’s one of the most valuable lessons from history that people have the hardest time believing, often despite their own senses. People just don’t want to believe that things can’t devolve.


Things are always better!!

Nope. That’s why one particular country put an audible shutter noise on digital phones to limit people taking upskirt photos.
All that tech to potentially improve things and human behaviour fucked it up again.


Yeah, that’s a tricky set of questions, how progress is defined. Too often it’s just defined by inventions and technologies, not by how human societies cultivate human well-being. It’s a core ideology of capitalist modernity that too few people seem able to grok as an ideology.


Of course, if you are taking photos inside a sacred space, or taking photos of wildlife, a silent shhutter is a godsend. And naturally, an audible shutter doesn’t work with video.


Until the authorities cracked down, this was a long-term problem right smack in the heart of “Western civilisation”, albeit with more primitive technology. I remember seeing these creeps when I lived near Union Square in NYC, but until I read this link I didn’t realise how pervasive and ugly it really was with these “photography enthusiasts”:


LG’s ad doesn’t improve on the situation – however much they (and others) want to claim it’s about photographic technology, it’s still enabling and encouraging creepy guys who don’t understand the concept of consent.


Oh, they understand it. Let them have the tables turned and they can more than demonstrate their understanding. But as long as they’re on the side that should be asking, they simply don’t give a shit what their target’s opinions are.


A creepy Polish guy who gets a covert upskirt shot is the equivalent of a time-travelling freedom fighter who exposes the Nazi genocide in Poland because they both use the same mobile phone tech? Absent an /s tag, that manages to be both off-topic and grossly inappropriate. Way to convince people you’re right.


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