"Light at the end of the tunnel," says Trump


You’re talking about this, right?


“Just the place for a Swindle!” the Trumpman cried,
As he landed his prey with care;
Supporting each man on the top of the tide
Then he kicked them down the stair

“Just the place for a Swindle! I have said it twice:
That alone should encourage the screw.
Just the place for a Swindle! I have said it thrice:
What I tell you three times is true.”


just keep going towards that light trumpkins

he is going to walk right over those half million bodies to re-election

what does it mean if 45% of the country, our neighbors and relatives, vote for him again, how can we even live around such people?

imagine what xmas is going to be like this year, sometimes I don’t think we are going to make it, a lot of nurses and doctors won’t


That light at the end of the tunnel? That’s the sweet release of death, you dotard.


The administration has stockpiled 29 million doses of hydroxychloroquine. Trump has had a string of rotten luck and this is the equivalent of putting all the chips he’s got left on 22 and letting the roulette wheel spin. If it turns out the stuff is genuinely effective then he’s the hero who has acquired the miracle cure we all need. We will elect him President for life and create a newer, better Mt Rushmore just for him. Plus he’ll be able to say “I told you so” and hold the pills over the heads of governors and mayors until they say nice things about him. Plus he’ll win the Nobel Prize for medicine. He’s like a guy whose life is falling apart around him with only himself to blame, but rather than address that, he’s going to imagine how awesome his life is going to be when he wins the lottery with the ticket he just bought.

If it doesn’t work or it only helps a little what then? He’ll probably urge people to take it anyway, or demand that patients be allowed to ask for by name, and then take credit for everyone who recovers. Then he’ll sell the pills as a miracle cure to less developed countries currently in denial (Brazil comes to mind). Or he’ll claim that the truth about his drug is being covered up to make him look bad. Because in his mind people would rather hundreds of thousands die than say he was right about something.


Trumpman? That name tingles a Bell.

It is not a tunnel, it is a well.

How fortunate we would be had Trump’s leadership rose only to the level of cliché.


Now, don’t go getting our hopes up.

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Go towards the light, Donald. Go towards the light.

ETA and of course he sees light at the end of the tunnel. He’s tested negative.

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You had stents on the Bob Newhart Show? Wow!


And take Rudy with you.


Those were stunts.


Remember, remember, on the Third of November.


way to blow my connection! lol!


Gonna borrow that for a spell.

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This is actually very helpful, because the truth is always the opposite of whatever Trump says.

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