Lightning nearly strikes a car

Closest I ever came to lightning was a bolt striking the ground in an open field right next to the highway as I was driving through Nebraska. It was less than 50 feet away. Blinded me temporarily and that shit was LOUD. I had this red streaky afterglow in my retinas for a few minutes and my ears were ringing. OY! (almost as bad as Applebee’s)


After seeing the bolt strike I immediately heard the high note twiddly piano keys sound when everyone gets shrunk in Mario Kart.

I had an experience a little like that. My “high adventure” patrol (basically the older guys in my Scout troop) went on a 50 miler at Philmont, in New Mexico. We were up on a mesa, and saw a storm roll in, so we did what the manual says: spread out and get across any open area as fast as possible.

So we crossed a field basically running from the edge of one stand of trees to the other. Pretty much as soon as we were all across a big gnarled up pine on the opposite side of the field from us got completely exploded by lightning. We decided to move further into the tree stand and wait out the storm.

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OK, it took me two days, but I get it now.


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