Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/08/04/lightning-strikes-a-river.html
Don’t mess with Thor.
Looks more like det cord to me.
And we wonder why we can’t have nice news things…
TY – will update.
OG video:
Reports are coming in that two hundred fish exploded and an otter got a fried arse.
Godzilla fart, I’ve seen it before.
Note the orange smoke. That’s likely NOx from a nitrogen-based explosive. Lightning does not make orange smoke. Note also the timing of the up-welling of the water. That’s from timed charges. Lightning would be near instantaneous.
nothing to see here folks, just swamp gas & lightning
Lightning or not, who’s hungry? Soup’s on.
I’ve been on the water sailing when lightning struck nearby.
No steam, no splash, but a helluva bang.
T-shirt !
It did not look at all like lightning. but I am reminded of:
Come on people! If you learned one thing from watching years of Mythbusters it’s how to ID det-cord.
…but what are all the large beasties thrashing about?
i’m thinking leviathan larvae?
I could go for some prefried fish.
sorry for the weird version but any chance to share ninja scroll