Lip plumping tool uses suction


If you keep making that face, it’s going to stay that way.


Is this a joke? You know for April Fools?


No, people really do this, though I can’t fathom why.

There are also products that cause lips to swell through some kind of chemical reaction. I guess not everyone who wants big lips wants to receive a bunch of injections in their face. That still leaves the question of why, but beauty fads are fucking weird.

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I remember giving myself what looked like hickeys using hollow rubber erasers. I never thought to try them on my lips, although that’s probably because Mick Jagger looks at me and thinks, “Damn, you have big lips.”

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I’m thinking Mark restrained himself with that headline…


Coming purely from an efficiency standpoint, the suction created with this device could be combined with a penis pump. For the good of the planet!


“How big can your lips get?”


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So, you could achieve the same effect with an appropriately sized shot glass, yes?

But, the suction was provided by the person, so basically you mean a blow job? That’s cool, blow jobs are cool. Some folks are especially fond of them.

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Similar products exist for nipples. (True story.)

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And for other body parts. Something I don’t quite fathom, but there are many such thing.


Coming soon to Facebook - Extreme Ducklips!

What shallow people!

Why do you think these strangers whom you’ve never met are shallow? Are you basing that on one tiny detail of their life? That’s pretty shallow.

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