Originally published at: Listen: Oklahoma sheriff reportedly caught on tape talking about murdering journalists, lynching Black people (audio) | Boing Boing
Here is where my brain started hurting.
Here is where my brain nearly exploded in sheer anger.
The worst part of 45’s tenure is a big pile of shit-stains across the US started to genuinely believe in the rule of man over the rule of law. Murder plots against run-of-the-mill local political opponents, or (for the Love of Dog!) journalists, were never so common prior to 2016.
This just shows even further how much they’ve made this an Us vs. Them narrative. They are actively talking about murdering us for that crime of not wanting to allow them to freely murder us. It’s so obvious they want a second Civil War, and they’ll run it in secret as long as they know they can’t get away with running it in the open.
SE corner of Oklahoma? Not really that surprising, unfortunately. Geographically and culturally it’s pretty much an appendage to Arkansas.
The Sherrif’s Office has put a statement on Facebook. Apparently this has been really hard on them, you guys. Plus it didn’t happen. And recording the thing that didn’t happen is a felony. Also, again: really hard on them.
5 bucks says he’ll be weeping like Rittenhouse in the courtroom.
They’re about to find out that small-town bullying and gaslighting tactics don’t work when you have an international media spotlight on you and are subject to a federal investigation.
Who thought it was a good idea to pretend that the recording was altered?
The old saying is, what goes around goes around. It will. I told you it will.
The irony.
Wow! They are going after the person who taped it, not the murder conspirators.
No, the sheriff is going after the person who recorded it.
The federal government is going after the sheriff and his friends.
I wonder how this line of thought works when it’s an accused person misspeaking, or during an interrogation.
Police. Everyday; a word of shame.
Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damn rope. But you can’t do that anymore. They got more rights than we got. …
Welcome to America, where “not allowed to lynch people from a particular race” = “they have more rights than we do.”
As somebody said, if you’re accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression.
I’d be really interested to know what they meant by it being “all mafia around here,” what that’s in reference to, and what they know about it, exactly - especially their involvement with hit men.
But I saw a window get broken on Facebook!
If this shocks you, you have not been paying attention. This is the way they play now. And why they must be opposed at every opportunity.
Are they bricks and mortar hitmen or online hitmen?
… that’s pretty normal behavior for them
Retaliation a Risk When Video Recording Police Brutality