Listen to this sexy slow jam about heat pumps

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I though this was just going to be Technology Connections talking about his favorite subject.


For real, I kept waiting for his cameo. It’s a great video nonetheless.

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This was produced by The Switch is On initiative. They have a YouTube channel. All of their other videos are pretty dry, factual videos on the benefits of heat pumps and induction cooktops, although some feature celebrity chefs like Martin Yan and Chef Anthony. It’s just so odd that in the middle of all that is this brilliantly bizarre banger of a tune. The most views on any of the other videos on that channel is just under 1,000, and then there’s this which has 17,000 views and climbing fast. I would expect a musical rendition of the benefits of induction cooking any day now.


100% thought it was him before clicking. I’m sure he’s dancing around to it.

Please tell me his wig is an homage to Alec!

Songs in which the singer compares himself to an appliance, such as “Crosscut Saw” or “I’m an Extension Cord for Your Love, Baby”… I am a big fan. This is the finest HVAC-related jam I’ve ever heard. Gives me chills!

Why not. Ylvis did a slow club banger on the mechanical aspects of a jetted hot tub, after all.

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