Livejournal's Russian owners announce new anti-LGBT policy, fandom stages mass exodus

Cuck is appropriate since he cuckolded a forum I contributed to (and administrated for a long time, until I passed on the position).

That’s cool but it still makes you look like alt.right nazi.

It would be like using “social justice warrior” unironically and expecting people to not think you were right wing.

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But I am an SJW: socialist justice warrior. Spent a lot of time on the front lines of the GamerGate war.

You’re entirely missing the point. Carry on. I’ll just assume you’re a 4chan sock puppet here to troll.

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Well ACTUALLY, for most of the history of television in the US, they had to give equal time to opposing viewpoints. So when I was brought up, if you didn’t like a TC show, you contacted the station and depending on why you disliked it, you might get to do a short announcement of why it was not so great.

All of the RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM, just suck it up, back in the old days, when america was great stuff people are so fond of online is ahistorical. Our valorised ideal of the passive populace of the past is a recent fabrication. Like they made up stories about cowboys, we make up stories about them. Both false ideas of normative white behaviour.

…I’m not entirely sure which fictional past is worse…


I was talking about Tv shows, As I stated. Not political discourse.
And you had to give time to apposing political views in reference to election cycles not equal time to to Tv shows.

Good gods…

I’ve never seen this happen in my entire life.

So if you don’t like “Star Wars” and a station showed it, you’d call them and get equal time to discuss why Star Wars sucks?


No. OP is either engaging in forum sliding or mis-informed, and it is a waste of time to engage them.

(BTW, not the first time I’ve been accused of being a gator in disguise - nor the last time. The previous time, it was by a right-wing rando on Jezebel)

LiveJournal sucks. Migrating is easy, takes only minutes, and can be done today. LJ’s owners made a conscious decision to move LJ to Russia and engage in the suppression of LGBTQ* - boycotting them and encouraging others to do the same is the only moral course of action.

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They own the servers. They don’t own the audience or the content-creators. Without those, what’s their site worth?


Not much. So with an audience composed of close to 90% Russian citizens, and laws stating that private information about Russian citizens could only be stored in servers physically located in Russia, the company’s choice was to either A) make a principled stand and lose that userbase to either governmental crackdown or country-wide blocking, or B) comply with the government in hopes that things wouldn’t get worse.

For many years LiveJournal was owned by an American company, with servers in the US, which was in turn owned by the larger Russian company SUP. And the Russian government spent many of those years crafting laws specifically designed to bring LiveJournal to heel because it was used so much by the political opposition.

The Russian government got a win-win here - the opposition platform has finally fallen to the sustained governmental effort and most of the anger is being directed at the company that lost out instead of the government.


sigh I hate having posts eaten and good points disappear because of flags. Not sure what triggered it (probably the line “sudo fuckoff”, possibly the word cuck - which I used in its proper sense). Flag this again and I’ll just requote my point.

Well, corporate can get fucked. DeadJournal is a thing, as are other *Journal forks, all which allow free expression. That’s the wonderful thing about open source software: no amount of money can put the community under a government’s heel forever.


You can do both.

Why yes they do!

Again, Correct.

And I’m correct. So the point is?

One choice is the sane adult thing to do.
The other choice is something a child would do when it can’t get it’s way.

Enjoy your day :slight_smile:

Tangent, but after several years of Evernote doing its best to become as shitty as possible, I moved to OneNote and it’s better than Evernote was at its best. The downside is that there’s no native Linux version and the Mac version is somewhat lacking in advanced features (e.g. only one window at a time, less screen layout options), but it does support Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android like Evernote did.



…except none of this is true.

The only blogs that will even be looked at under the cited law, first of all, will be blogs that receive over 3000 clicks in 24 hours. Are you that popular? I’m betting you aren’t. Almost no lj blog or community is.

And the super easy way around it then is just checking off “adult content” in the settings. Problem solved! If some underage kid really wants to see it I’m sure they can do what every other teenager does which is make an account where they lie about their age.

This is a giant temper tantrum over absolutely nothing.

What about all LBGQT content makes it “adult” in nature?


Give Putin my regards, tovarisch.

Read the entire 140+ post thread? I think not.