London's mayor warns Trump he isn't welcome

Also a high standard of education and relative prosperity combined with starting with a non-capitalist system (it started as a scientific research station).
And, lets face it, in a book it’s easy to write what you want to see.

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That’s an interesting point.

Ultimately, yes - it’s more of a symbolic statement than anything that would have any real impact on any proposed visit (a bit like the ‘nuclear free’ zones in places where there was never going to be any nuclear power plant or nuclear weapons anyway).

OTOH, it is a symbolic statement from the leader of our capital city and our biggest centre of finance so… whether the Mayor can have any real impact on whether Trump visits or not is really secondary.

Given that the Mayor is in charge of transport and policing for London (amongst other things) he probably could make the arrangements more difficult. Whether he actually would?

At the end of the day, having a foreign leader visit your city is something most people just want to get over with as quickly and with as little disruption to the smooth operation of the city as possible.


The Lord Mayor of London is also President of the ‘City of London Reserve Forces and Cadets Association’, so technically, he has troops.

The Lord Mayor of London is a different person to the Mayor of London.


My google-fu is weak today…

Well it’s not like it’s in anyway confusing to have a Mayor and a Lord Mayor.

They should just have merged the two when they created the new elected Mayor but that would have pissed off the city bigwigs who all hope to get the Lord Mayor position when they retire.


You are too kind.

RIP Peggy


Does that include the Artist’s Rifles?


Are you for real, comparing one of your very best presidents with that worn-out baseball glove tightly gripping a turd?

Oh, my sides.


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