Lord of the Rings, paperback cover study art (1965)

My mom used to have this poster. I loved it.

I have an artbook of Hildebrandt’s work, with commentary from him on what his process was. Some pages include his method from start to finish, including references or pics of his models. It’s really neat :smiley: There’s some good LotR stuff in there.

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“Tim Benzedrine” was my first online nym. I dropped it when no one caught the reference anymore.

“Observing this near impossible escape from certain death, Frito wondered how much longer the authors were going to get away with such tripe. He wasn’t the only one.”

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It was recently found along with some dank carpet in a safe. From what i hear.


honestly the first edition has the coolest artwork. But, the tooled leather bindings are cooler than that paper dust jacket, and the top-most one does give the first ed. a run for its money

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those are great! I had no idea he did any illos (other than I presumed he did the maps?) let alone such high-quality ones.

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And here it is in Esperanto translation (yes, I’ve read it)


Also worth noting: Tove Janssons (of Mumin fame) take on the Hobbit:



The ugliest Tolkien cover ever belongs to the French paperback edition of The Hobbit. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C1keXf8XgAAkDPV.jpg


What the hell. I can barely draw with crayons, and I would have managed something better.

wow. you’re right. that is completely irredeemable.

I thought it would be this one, but it’s awesome, comparatively.

in searching for that image, I note that all of the editions featuring the film cast are–predictably–pure garbage. They all use the Harry Potter typeface, too [cringe]


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