Los Angeles apartment owner battles fraudulent tenant in latest rental story nightmare

I’m betting that it’s not anymore… after 2008, I’m sure plenty of smaller landlords lost their property and that got bought up by corporate landlords…

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Oh those nasty, horrible tenants, if you politely double their rent they will empty a bottle of fish sauce onto the floor boards and flush a bag of cement into the toilet before they leave.

Maybe a reframing: this house was originally a share house with multiple people renting it. She forced them all out. That’s not just stealing the house from its owner (and say what you like, justifiable or not, she was attempting to steal the house, and it wasn’t her first attempt), she stole available housing from other potential tenants.

Sometimes landlordism can be a morally bankrupt institution, and a tenant could be a reprehensible person who doesn’t deserve a whole lot of sympathy.


Too true. If there’s any villain in this story it might be the roommate who sublet her room to such a horrible person that everyone else moved out!


It seems that most of the stories like this involve people with a history of bad behaviour as a tenant. I wonder if there is a way to define a vexatious tenant vs tenants the landlords don’t like.

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