Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof says he was "asked to leave" the Star Wars movie he was writing

Originally published at: Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof says he was "asked to leave" the Star Wars movie he was writing | Boing Boing


Seeing Lindelof or Abrams’ name attached to a project means I’ll wait until the film makes it to streaming, and, maybe, not even bother with it then.


That’s good news. Lindelof is not without talent but has produced too much absolute crap.

ETA: the link above is one of my favorite movie reviews of all time, which I say having watched nearly all of the (so, 200+) Pitch Meetings. Recommended.


I don’t think I’ve forgiven the writers of Lost yet, so I’ll be waiting to see on whatever he writes. That show started out so good but then spiralled down into nonsensical retconning and writing themselves into corners they clearly hadn’t planned. On top of all that, they spent years telegraphing it as a collection of sciencey mysteries that was going to have a hard sci-fi explanation at the end, then said “UH…IT’S ALL JUST MAGIC” jazz hands. I want those hours of my life back.

I didn’t realize he’d also written Prometheus. Yikes. That thing is a total shitshow writing-wise. The stupidest set of characters ever to set foot on a spaceship, with the cast of the Lost In Space remake close behind.

Hard pass on all of it.


Sorry for the entirely off topic nature of this comment, but I am old and slow when it comes to navigating the BoingBoing website.

How do I make a post of my own? Is that something any user can do, and I just don’t know how?

Thanks to any responses, and again sorry, but I wasn’t sure where else to post this.

Edit: Thanks for the help edgore and theophrastus, I was able to fumble my way through with your information. :slight_smile:


To make things worse, he re-wrote Prometheus. You can find a draft from shortly before he came on-board doing the rounds online and it’s a far more solid script.


Well… he’s also the writer (along with Tara Hernandez) of Mrs Davis (which so far, a few episodes in, I think I like). So we’ll see how that goes I guess.


It must suck to be him, I guess.

Say what you will about Prometheus, at least it didn’t waste as much of our lives as Lost.


His Watchmen series was pretty great though, and I hear good things about The Leftovers. He apparently does better when writing a series with an established endpoint.

That being said for his television writing, he hasn’t exactly knocked it out of the park when it comes to movie scripts.


I have still not forgiven Lindelof for wasting my life with Lost. I’ve sorta forgiven Abrams for that considering he left before the end, and somewhat redeemed himself with the Star Trek movie reboot. So I say good riddance to Lindelof.

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The Leftovers has made me forgive him for his poor writing on other things because that series is just incredible. Watch it. Watch it. Watch it.


i think that only means he realized what he’d done and left others to clean up the mess :confused:

i give him points for being able to make solid productions, and finding ways to draw the viewer in. but there’s no follow through in the end

apparently, you’re not alone in that conviction.

The first season received mostly positive reviews. However, the second and third seasons were highly acclaimed, with many critics referring to The Leftovers as one of the greatest television series of all time

good timing, i guess. i was wondering what i was going to watch next. :thinking:


My wife really enjoyed the Leftovers, she watched it on someone else’s recommendation recently.

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It’s an underrated gem as far as i’m concerned, and i think many people just dismissed it because his name was attached after the massive disappointment of Lost. This series just hit me on such a deep level that i still think of it now, so i’m currently doing a rewatch.


“No follow through in the end.” Yeah, that’s a total summary of Lost, and why I say I lost 7 years of my life to it. Shit, all the discussion we’d have at work after every episode? The blogs we read? Grrr, I’m still mad.


it’s very meta really. what was lost? we were lost

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Adding it to my queue now!

Hard disagree, but to each their own.

I have never seen a single episode of Lost, but from what I’ve heard from others over the years, I am the better for it. This thread certainly hasn’t changed my mind. So, having a co-writer of Lost removed from a Star Wars project seems like a positive.