Luna: Moon Rising, in which Ian McDonald brings the trilogy to an astounding, intricate, exciting and satisfying climax

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Kudos for Poleconomy reference.

Because Monopoly promotes too much family harmony. :smirk:

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I am a huge fan of McDonald’s work (especially his YA Planesrunner series). I was gripped by this trilogy from start to finish—I tell everyone I meet that it’s Game of Thrones on the Moon. Ecstatic to hear it will be optioned into a TV series (already imagining who can play who!) Right now I am reading the first book to my wife after dinner each night. She is someone who falls asleep while being read to, but now she hangs onto every word. Highly—HIGHLY recommended! (SPOILER: I am a little sad there was no definite resolution to Marina Calzaghi’s [sic?] sub-plot—hoping her arc will seed a new series.)


Ian McDonald is an incredible writer (I just finished both River of Gods and Luna Moon Rising). But like that other great Ian, the late Iain Banks, he’s never won either a Hugo or Nebula. Perhaps this year? Because damn, he deserves one.

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These are great books. He manages to depict a new culture without being didactic. It’s an homage to “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress,” where the Moon is a libertarian dystopia instead of a libertarian utopia, but despite the many obviously fucked-up aspects of the culture, he is never unsympathetic to the people who live in it or their perspective.

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