MAGA man Mark Robinson wrote that Mein Kampf was a "good read" and "a real eye opener"

“Less vomit-inducing than The Camp of Saints or The Turner Dairies!” isn’t much of a jacket note.


There’s also reading it and then there is blabbing about reading it on a porn site where you casually discuss your bizarre affair with your wife’s sister and your desire to own slaves.

I’ve read some heavy historical and fictional literature, for instance, but I have more respect for scorpions in my shower than this man has for most other human beings based on his trollsona.


I’ve been hit on by more than enough Republican shitbag chasers that I actually have to doubt the Daily Show on that one. Apparently we’re acceptable as long as they can treat us like things without actual autonomy or agency. (See also: explanation of why Repub bosses that employ lots of undocumented workers love stricter immigration laws.)

I mean, as a trans feminine person, I guess I should be flattered in a way since it means they’re treating us just as they treat cis women. :rage:


I seriously doubt that half of people who have a physical copy have even opened the cover, it’s just there to sit on a shelf so they can own the libs.


More Republicans have read Mein Kampf than the Bible I’m guessing. Between the two, I sure see more internalization of the messages of the former versus the latter.


How about “The Turner Diaries” — should high-school kids read that one too :thinking:

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Somehow nobody ever proposes Mao’s little red book or Stalin’s Foundations of Leninism, it’s only the right wing authoritarians we need to examine. :thinking:




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