Mark Robinson's porn posts come from inside his neighborhood

Originally published at: Mark Robinson's porn posts come from inside his neighborhood - Boing Boing


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He hasn’t played the “I was hacked!” card yet?


The websites were for sure hacked, which is part of his problem:

The breached data also revealed that the password that Robinson’s email address used to register with Nude Africa was nearly identical to a password used by three separate accounts registered under his wife’s email address on non-pornographic websites, including DatPiff, a now-retired hip-hop mixtape website. The passwords used the same obscure phrase.


When so many sites have hacked, and their passwords unhashed, that they can be used to cross-index each other… Oh dear.


That porn site has to be slammed these days with more traffic than ever before with all of this news attention.


The posts are abhorrent - sadly I’ve seen similar in many other young mens’ posts trying to be “funny” online, stuff they’d now feel deeply ashamed by. I’m not condoning it by any means, this shit is harmful and it’s never ok, and we should never brush it off as “boys being boys”. I’m just saying perhaps he’s grown up since then and is a better person now…

What’s that? He’s 56yo?
So he would have been middle aged when he posted?
And hasn’t apologised?
And is in a political party full of actual Nazis?

Well, shit. I guess he, like many older men, just grew sideways.


Given the kind of horrible stuff this guy has said openly, in public, it’s kind of funny the attention given to his online comments. It also explains why his supporters aren’t all that phased by it.


Nitpick: both instances of the American penchant for punctuation-within-the-quotes in this article demonstrate you shouldn’t be using it: the first is

“black Nazi?”

and the second,


In the first instance, the question mark was definitely not part of the quoted material, and in the second also likely not. The problem is that this style of citing sources attributes punctuation to the quotee when it is added to fit into the context of the quoter. Compare with the alternative versions:

The “unnamed” nature of it is kinda curious to me as to what would be surprising NOW about the “black NAZI?”

Trump has still not backed away from Robinson, whom he said we should “cherish.”

The “unnamed” nature of it is kinda curious to me as to what would be surprising NOW about the “black NAZI”?

Trump has still not backed away from Robinson, whom he said we should “cherish”.

Not only is the punctuation-outside-the-quotes style more logical and keeps the cited material closer to the source, it also friendlier to the reader; as written in the article, the question mark and the full stop read as though they were not part of the paragraph that the quotes are embedded in.

People argue the the appearance of

blah “foo”. Burp

is uglier then the looks of

blah “foo.” Burp

but I’d challenge that notion. If anything, type designers have so far neglected to think about proper kerning for these situations—you know, kerning, the technique that makes “V” and “A” come closer together in “VA” when done right, and which turns “r” plus “n” into “m” when done the wrong way.


That would explain all the commercials about Peyronie’s Disease.


On a related note, I think:


Yes, Robinson enjoys masturbating to pornography involving transgender actors “despite” his opposition to civil rights and legal equality for transgender people. But why should that be surprising or seem contradictory given that Robinson also enjoys masturbating to pornography involving women “despite” his opposition to civil rights and legal equality for women?


I just feel sorry for whichever random neighbour he’s going to try to pin this on.


You have to hand it to that neighbor. Planning 15 years ago to discredit him today.

Now that’s a submarine account!


A bit OT, but I agree with you about punctuation inside/outside quotation marks.

But the word is “than” not “then”.


He’s been using the new “it was AI!” version of the Shaggy defense.


“His inside neighborhood”?


Privately he’s reduced certain groups to fetishes rather than human beings, but publicly he also doesn’t treat them as human beings. Privately he calls himself a Nazi, but publicly he’s virulently antisemitic and xenophobic, which is… oh, right, totally consistent.”


As far as substance goes, yeah. This is a man who already publicly admitted (in one of his own TV ads!) to paying for his wife’s (then-girlfriend’s) abortion while at the same time pushing to ban all abortions with zero exceptions for rape, life of the mother, etc. And a ton of other stuff too.