NC's Mark "Black Nazi" Robinson sues CNN

Originally published at: NC's Mark "Black Nazi" Robinson sues CNN - Boing Boing


Just last night I told my BF about that nazi’s hospital visit after touching a truck’s hot tail pipe, and noting I hadn’t heard anything about him since.


I remember when I was a kid, and people sued when someone lied about them.

Now we have jackasses suing b/c telling the truth.

I want my money back. All of it. Every last fucking dime.


Last i heard, if you are a public figure, there’s zero to no chance at winning a libel (or slander) case in the states. (have to prove “malice” and that’s no legal picnic). Of course, Robinson probably doesn’t think he’ll win this case, it’s more for the friendly coverage.


Robinson’s stated theory—that someone set up fake accounts hoping they’d be uncovered and publicly linked to him in an effort to smear his name—is pretty ridiculous on its face considering that all that crap was posted long before he became a public figure.

Something tells me CNN’s lawyers aren’t going to lose a lot of sleep over this one.


Waste that money needlessly; go right ahead.

Can’t wait for the ‘discovery’ part:


For now. Biff wants to make those laws more like the UK’s. As usual, he’s ignorant of how things actually work, but his fellow Project 2025 fans are already looking at ways to undermine Sullivan so that the rich and powerful can be protected from a free press.


I forget which 19th century British parliamentarian said it first, but the sentiment bears repeating: “Not all conservatives are stupid, but all stupid people are conservatives.”

Doubly so for MAGA.


Well, he held a press confrence to announce that he would be suing CNN, but we still haven’t seen confirmation of actual paperwork being filed…
I hope that lawyer got an advance for this shitshow…


It is linked at the top of the post.


Don’t say that too loud or it’ll be the next MCU series on Disney.


Bill Hader Popcorn GIF by Saturday Night Live


I think he’s going by the MAGA principle that the truth is irrelevant, and that whoever speaks loudest will be declared victor. It’s what allowed him to become Lt. Governor. I suspect he’s going to try to use the same sort of computer experts that determined the vote count was rigged by Italian satellites.


I suspect this is a show. Robinson is suing so he can keep up the lie that it wasn’t him who posted all of that stuff in the hope he will get elected. He will drop the suit as soon as the election results are in.
It is possible he really thinks he can win this lawsuit and doesn’t understand the way discovery goes both ways in a law suit. If so, he is screwed.

CNN certainly did their due diligence before releasing this story and undoubtedly have even more dirt that wasn’t tied closely enough to Robinson to risk publishing. If any of the rest gets introduced as part of the case record, many places will be in the clear to publish it all as long as they don’t say Robinson posted it. Lots of articles saying “look at all the things in the court record!”

ETA: and also how CNN can use the lawsuit to subpoena records from websites


Luckily that approach hasn’t worked out so well when the MAGA folks try it in the actual courtroom instead of the court of public opinion.


North Carolina gubernatorial candidate…

Can we all just stop using the word ‘gubernatorial’? It’s such an unwieldy word. How about ‘governoral’?


How do countries not the US use it? Aus and NZ both have Lieutenant Governors don’t they? (The Aus one conspired with hard right politicians to make a mockery of the offices of state so there must have been some discussion of whether it was Governorial behaviour or not… For my money it was as he is an agent of a foreign government not subject to written law but rather a nod and a wink and a strongly, vaguely worded letter to the Times).

Who are you, Logan?


In fact the Latin adaptation of Greek kybernētēs, which all the cyber-stuff also comes from. Could this have been the worst root word?


He doesn’t care about the merits of his case at all - he merely needs to file this to do something, anything to appear to ‘bolster’ his candidacy. He needs to tread water for 3 weeks, and he will be quietly withdrawing the lawsuit after he loses. He’ll then pay any resulting penalties or sanctions out of the huge election fund he’s still hoarding.