MAGA woman at Trump rally: "I'm coming here hoping I can get my surgery done" (video)

If we could just get that message out - regardless of how you feel about it, you will personally save yourself hundreds of hours of useless paperwork and frustration with universal single-payer healthcare free at the point of service - it would pass in no time flat.


I’ve legit heard the (to me insane) argument about all the jobs that would be lost…in billing and coding departments.


Jeff Goldblum What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden


Hospitals underfund those departments, anyways. Then they ask manufacturers to do the work for them, which is technically illegal for them to do. Nonetheless, you see guides like this all over:


… if I get laid off my job where I deny people health care, then I won’t be able to afford health care :sob:


I do feel for her situation. Her response is, well, irrational. But the situation isn’t rational.

I strongly feel that any discussion about funding of healthcare in the US needs to start with two points:

  • Health outcomes in the US are worse than in Canada, the UK, Germany, etc. Americans die sooner, and are in worse health before they do. Infant mortality is worse. etc.
  • Canada, the UK, Germany, etc spend less tax money per capita on healthcare than the US. Medicare and Medicaid, small as they are, and covering only a tiny proportion of Americans, cost more tax dollars per capita than the health care in Canada, the UK, Germany, etc, which cover everyone.

From there, you can look at percent of GDP (excluding COVID years) spent on Healthcare:

  • Canada: 11%
  • the UK: 10%
  • Germany: 11%
  • USA: 18%

So for a whole lot of reasons apparently related to private vs public healthcare, the US spends an extra 7% of GDP. 7% of $26 Trillion is around $1.8 Trillion; about $5500 for every citizen, young and old, every year.

So who would be opposed to changing that? Anyone benefiting from that extra $1.8 Trillion.


To be fair, the UK desperately needs to significantly increase funding to the NHS, and successive governments have refused to do that for several decades now.


Fully agreed. The UK has issues with healthcare funding. The NHS is in real need.

What’s staggering to me is that the results in the US are worse and they cost more.


I’m sorry, but DAFUQ???

The hammer and sickle seems to imply she’s in favour of socialised medicine, but the comment in red says the opposite. Then there’s the spelling mistakes.


One of the reason that the American healthcare “system” is so inefficient is that we have dueling administrators trying to make sure that they don’t get stuck with the bill.


I think it’s more about suggesting that the dedicated capitalist Barack Obama is a communist.


So does the UK, because of the underfunding I have already mentioned.


This is another example of the disastrous ignorance I mentioned above.

She obviously doesn’t know anything about how Medicare works. And equally obviously she doesn’t know what “socialized medicine” is, except that it’s a Bad Thing that has something to do with socialism, which is another Bad Thing she doesn’t know or understand.

She’s been betrayed and lied to by the politicians she supports, the church she goes to, and the media she follows. She’s driven by ignorance and fear to act in ways completely against her own best interests, just like probably most of the people voting Republican.


I don’t feel bad for this lady at all. She and her ilk deserve what they got. I’m very angry at the whole situation because I’m losing Medicaid at the end of October. I’m on disability and very sick. This past year I’ve been hospitalized 4 times and had 4 surgeries. I have at least 4 medical appointments each week that I go to. Plus I take very expensive medication, just one of my prescriptions would be $1500 a month.
I have no idea what I’m going to do, because the only option I have is to pay $1000 a month for insurance from the marketplace. I can’t afford that, so I have no idea what they expect me to do.


thats a joke, right? right???


It might be. It’s very on-the-nose and the woman looks too young to be worrying about Medicare, but then again we live in the age of Poe’s Law.

The second image I posted above (click through) is definitely not parody. A right-winger actually went to the trouble of printing that sign.

My suspicion is that this meme was put out there by some conservative think tank as an inside joke about how stupid their suckers are.


If it’s a joke it’s a long-running one. This isn’t an uncommon sentiment among right-wing protesters. Given their public statements on the issue I tend to believe they really do believe what they’re saying.


“socialized medicine is bad…except for when it benefits me”

Unless she thinks Trump will PERSONALLY pay for it.
In which case, let me laugh harder.


If she votes, she will continue to vote against her own self-interest and for the interests of those who see her as disposable. It’s sad.


It’s no wonder other countries see US (Americans) as dumb and lazy - too dumb to figure out the complexity and too lazy to at least try to understand what we vote to change and who actually does what. MAGA voters vote against their interest. It’s maddening!